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Someone wrote in [info]zomztlwcpl,
Some First Class stamps purchase ezetimibe online The problem of spare embryos arises because IVF doctors cannot predict how many of the embryos they create will grow to be a good enough quality for implantation, and how many will die. To save time and expense they create multiple embryos in one procedure, since it often takes several implantations before a woman becomes pregnant. However, if the first egg implanted results in a pregnancy, and the couple do not want any more children, they will have spare embryos that will be frozen in storage until they decide on their fate. Their options are to donate them to embryo research, to allow them to thaw and perish, to donate them to a couple who cannot have biological children, or to keep them deep frozen indefinitely – an expensive option at up to $1,200 a year. There is no legal limit for how long embryos can be stored in America. (In British law, except in a very few cases of premature infertility, unused embryos must be destroyed within 10 years.)

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