Zoe Torres

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March 28th, 2013

10:38 am - Get out. Now. (GK)
It had to happen. They'd pissed off too many people, tried too hard to bring some justice to the Triangle. Zoe thought they were making progress, but it was a losing game. With her last breath she would damn the heroes for leaving the poor in the Triangle to the mercy of gangs. She'd damn Green Arrow the most.

And now, maybe Deadshot for giving them hope to begin with.

Barricaded in an empty tenement, Zoe reloaded her wrist-mounted guns as she gazed at GK across from her, then reloaded her 9mm. Any movement or sound from them brought a rain of gunfire from the gang outside waiting to pick them off. There would be no rescue, none that she could see happening. One of them might make it out, if she provided GK the cover to get away.

She handed him the 9mm. "Get ready to run."

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