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§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™ ([info]zellywellywoowo) wrote,
@ 2008-02-14 22:25:00

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Current mood: content

Valentine's Day
Well even though I was asked to go out tonight by 3 people during the week I knew what i WANTED to do since A. I am not really dating anyone and didn't feel like getting into the spiri, B. I don't care about Vday even when I DO have a bf or gf, and C. I have priorities i need to take care of.

I spent the day blasting good music, cleaning the fuck out of my room, and watched one of the BEST episodes of Lost EVER.

Happy? YES. Could tonight have been better if I had gone out? FUCK NO. I liked my plan even though i hate cleaning.

Anywho, hope you guys had a wonderful day. Oh and i found what i think are the CYBERsex (the theme was CYBER and since it's Bound they incorporate SEX in it sicne it's a BDSM club) photos on a disposable cam i can get developed and see along with my old digital cam i found,got to work, and pulled old pics off of :)

Me a year or so ago with long hair and fuschia running through it. Damn I miss having long hair but my hair grows so slowly and it's so hard to manage that I am ready to give up on long hair again and cut it really short again. And MAN did i have white skin....for some reason i now maintain color but i kind of wish i could get that white again, it was nice to me.

MINI! Look at her FUROCIOUS mug....haha you don't scare anyone you silly puppy.

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2008-02-17 03:51 am UTC (link)
people always say i look like someone else they know lol.

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