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§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™ ([info]zellywellywoowo) wrote,
@ 2008-01-25 19:45:00

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Current mood: jubilant

So I resurrected my ipod along with EDWARD (aka Ed) My sister's ipod named after Ed from Cowboy Bebop. Anyway I plugged Ai into my computer and nothing happeed likeit normally did but them 5 min later my apple symbol lit up on my ipod and then it charged but it wasn't recognized on Itunes so i figured she was still broken ah well.

Well I was looking for software to back Ai up, copy my songs from AI to my comp and I found a awesome program but you can't use it on an ipod that's not recognized / is broken sudenly I hear a *Ba Boop* and i look at itunes and she was recognized. I LOVE MY AI. She came back to life for me so I didnt have to suffer through crappy radio station playlists anymore.

It did the same with Edward and Edward was left outside in ther grass and rained on for a full 24 hours....so I guess your computer and itunes will ressurect your ipods if they r fucked! lol nice.

But I still need a new ipod (sorry AI) because Ai doesnt allow me to go back a full page anymore. I can go back in songs but when you press the up button and it takes you a full page back...yeah she doesnt do that anymore and thats a royal pain in the ass.

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2008-01-26 02:33 am UTC (link)
Awww *hugs* That really sucks.

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2008-01-26 05:58 pm UTC (link)
Well.... yeah Ai has been REALLY good to me considering she has been run over by a truck, had a seat rolled over her, been dropped, lost, dunked in coffee and she still works for me but the whole menu thing....if i accidently press random and want to go back im screwed till all 2,000 songs play.

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