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§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™ ([info]zellywellywoowo) wrote,
@ 2008-01-24 00:14:00

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Current mood: worried

Yes. I have posted many things in the last week or so and I never got around to an introduction post. Most of you know me from GJ, some of you know me from here alone. I want everyone to know me on the same level as everyone else and so I begin my introduction. (I was going to do this tomorrow but since Im sitting here just WAITING to hear something back from Matt I figure i'd pass the time with this.)

THIS IS ME (Currently)

The many faces of myself...Actually the many HAIRSTYLES and COLORS lol.

The pictures speask for themselves. She is crazy, rediculous, funny, and fun. But she is also very controlling, literally crazy, she is mean, and she is probably one of the biggest bitches you will ever meet. She is my twin and I lover her but DAMN i wish she would be a little nicer sometimes. Oh well at least she is entertaining as fuck. Her name is Tabatha, or Tabby....Or as I like to call her, Satan.

We laugh the hardest with eachother because we have known eachother for 22 years. We know just about everything about eachother, we have too many inside jokes, we have the same fond memories of the Jersey Shore, and we talk to eachother just about every day. We have the worst fights tho but we get over it....sometimes lol.

Atilya. I have known her since I was 4. That's 19 years of pure friendship right there. We have been through thick and thin with her. We have all been there for most of our firsts, like smoking, and drinking. We went to the same church, she was always at our parties and going out of her way for us. She now has a baby girl with her bf of about 10yrs so we don't see her much these days.

SUHAIL (My OTHER Best friend)
The coolest mother fucker you will ever meet. THIS man here is my brother from another mother, like SERIOUSLY. His mom is our mom and my dad is his lol but not literally. It's just how close we are. He is the best artists I know, he is funny as hell, samrter than anyone I know, the calmest guy you will ever meet, and just amazing all around. I love Suhail, and you would too. He meets people for a second and becomes their best friend.

Kyle aka my son. This guy right here is a little shy and soft spoken but he is the coolest person ever. We have a lot in common and you can pretty much count him into just about everything we go do cuz he is tight like that. He is the nicest person ever and I am proud to call him my son.

Aka Safety Bear, AKA Kim Jung Il, AKA Mao Tse Tong, Aka anything bad that he hates. He is a now retired Captain in the U.S Army and one of our closest friends. He is always looking out for us, always making sure everyone is safe at all times. he has our back no matter what and has always been there for us when we needed him. He is awesome but he is really childish sometimes. He has a bad gas problem lol.

He and i dated (If you read one of my previous entries you would recognize him). We haven't dated again but we are still really good friends and I am really happy about that. We see eye to eye on everything and we are really open and honest with eachother, we still care about eachother but we keep it at a friendship level. He never yells at anyone and he is really cool.

LMFAO. ARTURO!! Arthur is one of the funnest guys I have ever met. He is JUST like me and my sister and has the same humor and is down for ANYTHING. He goes out of his way to chill with us and we do the same for him. He has kick ass parties, as you can see above, is not afraid to good off, and joins in on any and all of our shannanigans. I LOVE ARTHUR! He is too much fucking fun.

What can I say? He is another military friend I met through my cousin years ago and we hit it off immediately. He is inot the same music, clubs, activities. He is just really cool, really fun to be around, and we have the best times when he is in town.

Virtue is like our Guardian Angel (Aside of Charlie) He is always there for us, always has our backs. He is cool as fuck, funny as fuck, and nice as fuck but don't get me wrong he is not someone you want to mess with. I look up to him. He always has really great advice and he very intelligent.

You will see me talk a lot about him (I think) As he is my hardest crush right now. I explained my situation with him HERE. He is such a sweetheart but hard to read sometimes when I am not in front of him. He is open and honest and times then secluded and distant at others. He is amazing though. really fun to be around. He makes me smile, gives me butterflies, makes me laugh, he just makes me all around happy. He is a great guy and I really care about him.

And i can't forget my baby girl! Mini pooooooo. She is 3 years old and she is a Pekingnese. I LOVE HER! She has such an attitude lol. She acts like a human. She pouts and throws herself on the florr when she doesn't get her way. She knows exactly what she is doing and what we are saying at ALL times. The little Devil lol.

And many of those people are a part of the DIRTY DOZEN. That's the name of our normal group of friends you can count into everything we do and show up to everything we go to or plan. There are more people I could put up but the ones I did are the MAIN people in my life right now and the MAIN people I will be talking about throughout this journal.

Now im supposed to write about myself here but I think the best info on me is on my layout page and in my user info. I have a great sense of humor. I am open minded.I love poofy skirts and old fashioned dresses. I am obsessed with anything hair as you will see as we go along here. I am strong, I wear my heart on my sleeve, I like kissing, I love NJ (The jersey Shore by Seaside mainly). I can cook, I write, do modeling, photography and I'm a really nice person. I get along with everyone until you mess up BADLY, and I am pretty out of my mind sometimes lol.


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2008-01-24 10:22 am UTC (link)
LOL Yeah she is awesome. Yes I did. I modeled for Shua Vua Photography and John Whalen. I have a bunch of shoots done but the full sized uncropped ones are rather large lol. I always mess up my pics by cropping and resizing them but i always keep the originials lol. Thanks for the compliments! It means a lot lol I used to think I was the ugliest person alive until these photographers found me.

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2008-01-24 10:43 am UTC (link)
I would possibly do very bad things to be photos by someone with that kind of talent, none of those people are here. Also, if you'd like any cropped & resized, I consider myself at least decent & quick (depending on what & how many im doing), but I'd really love to see more of these.

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2008-01-25 01:45 am UTC (link)
haha alrighty then. I do them all myself and im pretty quick too but i havent moeled in ages :/ all my stuff is old.

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