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§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™ ([info]zellywellywoowo) wrote,
@ 2008-01-21 14:55:00

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Current mood: working

I am sitting here at work and we have never been busier however I am bored as hell now. we had a rush of people earlier in the day and now we have a 2 1/2 hour break before our next patient.

Chris stopped by today with NO Mocha Frappachino like he normally brings when he's here :/ WTF is up with that!? LOL just kidding.

Anyway I have some serious issues with guys i will disguss later with you all, I need to get it off my chest it's bothering me. I also have something of importance to let out that Mikey told me. Kind of bothered me and made me sad but it's a wake up call none the less.

Now I have to piss like a race horse so I am off for now.

Be well lovers.

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2008-01-21 10:48 pm UTC (link)
I wish I was busier. ~___~.;;; *hugs* Good luck~

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