§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™

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Hey all...moving to LJ [30 Jul 2008|01:46pm]
Yea the resentment I have for Scribbld just gets worse and worse unfortunately so I am moving to LJ. i think i will be MUCH happier there. My username there is: zellywelly

I had signed up with this same user name but for some reason i cant remember the password or email i used to sign up for it lol so im SOL and had to sign up with a shorter version of my long lived blogging name.

So anyway anyone with an LJ add me and If you could leave your LJ names here for me that'd be great. If LJ sucks my next step is going to IJ. I just want to be at a place where i can easily customize my journal and be away from drama and stop HEARING about drama.

I have PLENTY to talk about now so i wont be MIA like i have been here on LJ.

Toodles guys. I miss you all
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[ viewing | July 30th, 2008 ]
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