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§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™

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Bound @ Red Lounge [29 Jun 2008|01:56am]
So last night I went to Bound and was happy to see that Brendon was there, Tabby went with Nick, Caitlin showed up later, juice, Leonidas, and Matt were there along with some regulars and Ashley came too. It was a fun night, cyber night but I didnt have naything cyber to wear so i went in all white. Im too tired to really describe anything but i will just say this....

It was fucking FUN. One of the best nights at bound I have had in a long time and I got my ass handed to me. I got spanked with a paddle a few times by everyone but Arthur slapped my ass so hard right below it actually that he left a handprint welt lol it hurts so bad. I have a ton of scars and bruises too. Good times, they sting like hell but i dont care too much haha.

Talk to ya later guys :)
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WTF MINI [29 Jun 2008|02:54pm]
My dog i dont know WHY or HOW she does this but she has an obsession with eating needles and pins. I dont know how the fuck she somehow just FINDS them but she is always going around the house like it's her GOAL to find them and she always find them somewhere and she eats them....im like WTF u PSYCHO dog...that's gonna tear up your mouth you idiot!!!

I don't effin get it
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[ viewing | June 29th, 2008 ]
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