§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™

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Plurk. [09 Jun 2008|01:32am]
[ mood | tired ]


You should join Plurk. You briefly type in your thoughts or feelings and your friends or other people can comment or relate. Its kind of nifty.

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[09 Jun 2008|02:22pm]
[ mood | bored ]

3.5 more hours of death!

Im about to fall asleep here at work, just struggling to stay awake sucks. It's hotter than a hooker on 9th street out.

I had a great lunch though and the only thing keeping me awake is Vile City and Plurk.

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[ viewing | June 9th, 2008 ]
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