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§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™

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Prom happenings and pics [20 May 2008|10:56pm]
[ mood | artistic ]

It's funny saying "prom" because it makes me feel like I'm in Highschool again though I graduated Highschool 7 years ago haha. man that means 3 more years until my reunion....doubt I'll go.

Anyway, so Goth prom is Thursday and I'm excited. I completed my petticoat tonight and put it on under my skirt, looks great. The top looks good with the skirt because it's the same material. I made a top hat as well. my shitty digi cam takes horrible pics but i tried hard to get one so you guys can see....i think it's lovely and the roses match the corsage.

Hat pics )

And for shits and giggles! LOL )

I look like shit in case you all couldn't tell. Yes i got my hair cut too.

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[ viewing | May 20th, 2008 ]
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