§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™

[ website | Zells Domain ]
[ userinfo | scribbld userinfo ]
[ calendar | scribbld calendar ]

[ mood | worried ]

Yes. I have posted many things in the last week or so and I never got around to an introduction post. Most of you know me from GJ, some of you know me from here alone. I want everyone to know me on the same level as everyone else and so I begin my introduction. (I was going to do this tomorrow but since Im sitting here just WAITING to hear something back from Matt I figure i'd pass the time with this.)

THIS IS ME (Currently)
+6 )


And many of those people are a part of the DIRTY DOZEN. That's the name of our normal group of friends you can count into everything we do and show up to everything we go to or plan. There are more people I could put up but the ones I did are the MAIN people in my life right now and the MAIN people I will be talking about throughout this journal.

Now im supposed to write about myself here but I think the best info on me is on my layout page and in my user info. I have a great sense of humor. I am open minded.I love poofy skirts and old fashioned dresses. I am obsessed with anything hair as you will see as we go along here. I am strong, I wear my heart on my sleeve, I like kissing, I love NJ (The jersey Shore by Seaside mainly). I can cook, I write, do modeling, photography and I'm a really nice person. I get along with everyone until you mess up BADLY, and I am pretty out of my mind sometimes lol.

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I am terribly sorry guys... [24 Jan 2008|04:12am]
[ mood | lonely ]

I am flooding this site with entries today. I will give it a rest tomorrow I promise but I just had my biggest fears confirmed just now.... I really feel like nothing I want will ever come my way. I will never be with anyone I want to be with and i am not destined to be happy.

I feel like a worthless piece of shit. Im upset, sad, depressed and confused.

Do you know how bad it hurts to love someone and have to keep it to yourself?

You can't tell that person you love them because it will ruin EVERYTHING they have going for them and it will possibly ruin your relationship with that person. Then when they tell you they love someone else you feel your heart being ripped out of your chest only they have no idea they are ripping you apart as they tell you cuz you have kept it a fucking secret so that they could be happy with that person....

I should have known it was too good to be true.

I want to die.

That's all I want....

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