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§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™ ([info]zellywellywoowo) wrote,
@ 2008-03-02 20:40:00

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Current mood: annoyed

The Big Suck
Well, band practice sucked straight bullshit tonight.

First time doing practice again for over amonth and Tabby makes us 2 hours late, has a bad attitude the entire time, refuses to play 95% of what we were playing and was a complete bitch to the lead guitarist. He messed up while playing drums once and she got on his nuts and he apologized for it but she went on and on and on and made it really uncomfortable for us to play on. They started yelling at eachother and I thought he was going to drop his shit and punch her in the face. He walked out on us 3 times to cool off.

She ruined the mood, and ruined practice. As long as she is in the band being a bitch and always needing her way, we will not get anywhere. Tonight was an ultimate failure. I am now going to go out to Lucky's, Hardtime's and who knows where else to get shit faced.


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2008-03-03 02:57 pm UTC (link)

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