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Adrienne Batroc

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Baby Meme [17 Dec 2012|11:28pm]
A. Name
B. Zodiac
C. Circumstances of Conception
D. PB/Psychical description
E. Five Random Facts

Avia Free
Heather Collins
Cat Grant
Dinah Kord
Lizzy Choi
Victoria Craft
Joey Mason (really love to get the Outsiders going again)

Awesome Andrea
Rachel Summers
Adrienne Batroc
Toni Rhodes
Nim Smallswood
Rikki Cargill

--Please note I've left Grogg and Red off the Marvel list.  They're just... too cracky, even for this.
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Test Scene [26 Aug 2012|10:43pm]
Adrienne would, if she was forced to admit it, admit that she rather liked the Thunderbolts.  She had been playing Robin Hood for quite a while herself, but it was rather a nice feeling to be doing something positive with her life here on a different kind of scale.  And the converted firehouse was pretty fancy, as far as digs went. 

Also, they didn't ask questions when she went out at night and sometimes wasn't back the next morning.  ...Too often, anyway.  And the guy had deserved it.

Also, big screen TV, Olympics.  The long jump.

"Sacre bleuYou call that a jump?!  My fa-thair could do twice that and on a bro-can leg!"

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[26 Aug 2012|07:13pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Dylan
Email: long on file
AIM (if you have one): likewise
Character Name: Adrienne Batroc
Character LJ (if applicable): ze_leaper
Physical description (face, build, weight): Adrienne is an athletic blonde woman in her early twenties.  Her legs are especially well developed.
Age: 23
Birthday: July 14, 1989
PB: (If using one.)  TBD

Abilities: Skilled Savate practitioner, skilled Traceuse, and skilled thief and burglar.  Speaks/reads English and French.  Possesses great (though not super-human) leg strength, both for kicking and leaping.
Weaknesses and flaws:  Utterly human and mortal.
Character location/Home: Global/T-Bolts HQ
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Heroic Thief?  (Hero-ish?)
Relatives (living/dead?): Georges Batroc (father, living) mother (living), Marie Batroc (half-sister, living)

Backstory: The second (possibly.  Batroc was really popular with the ladies) daughter of the great French mercenary Batroc, Adrienne was trained by her father from an early age in the arts of Savate and Parkour, becoming extraordinarily proficient in both of them, as well as displaying a  profound talent for thievery and burglary, eventually going into the cat burglary business for herself, while maintaining a certain sense of honor about who exactly she would work for.

Very quickly, she built a solid and dependable reputation, though certainly not yet to the level of some of the greats of the business.  And, of course, she is not entirely above simply stealing things from people who she does not feel deserve to have them.  Some of the time, at least, the profits from these ill-gotten gains are given to the poor or other charities.  During this time, she's also cultivated a bit of an image, putting on an outrageously stereotypical accent and other affected behavior.

Recent business ventures have taken her to America in general and to Boston specifically

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?:  No specifics, exactly, but I like the idea of her trying to steal something from the T-Bolts (or Anya/Anya's company in particular) and falling in with the 'bolts after her employers in said situation turn out to be far worse than she thought they were.

What are you planning to do with this character?: C'mon.  The heroic thief?  Combined with an outrageous, flirtatious, and overall French personality?  What can't you do with that?  Besides, I think she'd add well to the overall craziness that is the T-Bolts.

What do you want to see happen with this character?: See above

So... yeah.  I'm already at the character limit.  (I could argue Red only counts for 1/2, but he might get mad.  ;-p)
So consider this on-file for when slots open?
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