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areolin (aries) ZABINI ([info]zabinissimo) wrote,
@ 2008-06-26 23:26:00

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FULL NAME Areolin "Aries" Damian Zabini
BIRTHDATE October 29th 1950
AGE 28
BLOOD STATUS pureblood


The first thing that people will notice about Aries' appearance is the fact that he always seems to have a "one-upped" look on his face, as if he has gotten ahead of everyone else. Pride and arrogance are also evident in the way that he carries himself as well as the way that he looks, speaks, and behaves around other people. The fact that he has an overly confident stride and excellent posture only make it more easy to peg him as an old pureblood elitist.

Aries is six feet and two inches tall with broad shoulders and long limbs. The height and weight are things that he has inherited from his family as well as a large chunk of his personality. He was taught to take a lot of pride in his appearance, so he keeps himself up to shape by working out, constantly grooming, and dressing well.

Speaking of dress, Aries' sense of style is impeccable. It is one of the identifying factor if people are not so sure of his heritage. He only accepts and wears the top lines of clothes; he refuses to wear anything that is more than half made of polyester or spandex and is used to wears suits, ties, vests, trousers, etc. His background completely nurses the fact that his idea of leisure clothing are trousers and collared shirts and he wears them more than often enough.

PB Taye Diggs


Aries' personality is something that was directly influenced by his father. Since he was the only person around in his life, the things that his father did affected who Aries would become. Most of his personality consists of things that he picked up as a child.

Aries is all arrogance and no modesty. He attributes all of the goods things that happen to him to his own skill and charm. He is the epitome of a vain and prideful Slytherin that he really is. The overwhelming amounts of pride and arrogance are immediate turnoffs for some people, but others seem to like it. It is an active part of his decision making and when people ask him for an opinion, it is usually blindsighted by his own feelings.

A completely lazy and pompous arse, Aries doesn't like doing any sort of work. In school, homework was not something that he did. But on tests and his major examination, he let his intelligence speak for itself. Although Aries didn't bother with homework, his marks were somehow satisfactorily made. To achieve his goals, he will step on others and do as little hard work as is required. Unless necessary, he prefers to sit back and watch others do all of the work for him and reap the benefits. This kind of attitude about things does not make him favoured in the work place, but it isn't anything that bother Aries.

To Aries, men are companions. He regards them, unlike other Slytherins, as true friends and places compelte trust in them. For some reason, he has had good luck and has never had his trust betrayed, but it's bound to happen eventually. To him, simply because he could trust his father, he finds it easier to trust men. As for women, the role (or lack thereof) of his mother in his life caused him to have extreme doubts about women. He is commitment phobic because of how his mother had left his father. All of his relationships with women are purely physical and not only has he never felt anything more than a physical attraction to a woman, he always saw himself as being single for most of his life.

His father's death only hardened his personality. His father was a good person to him and he taught Aries a lot of the things that he knows now. He continues to live his life as an independent adult. He doesn't seek to become interdependent or even rely on anyone else for important help. Sure, he has no problem asking for advice, but anything that will majorly affect his life, he will only rely on himself to get it done.


Areolin Damian Zabini was born on the 29th in October. His mother, Felicia Connor, was not married to his father, Derrick Zabini, at the time. For a large part of Aries' life, his mother was not around and left Derrick with the responsibility of raising their son. It wasn't as if Felicia was not in her son's life, but she did not live with Derrick or act much like the pregnancy was anything more than her just having a baby. She continued to date and sleep around while leaving Derrick to take care of Aries. Because of this, Aries did not have a lot of trust in women growing up.

He and Derrick bonded on a male level throughout and as a small child, Aries was very intelligent. He understood that although his mother would be around, his father and she were not in love or married or even obligated to live with each other. He didn't necessarily think all of that, but he understood the concept of those things. He figured out how to live his life without worrying about his mother's presence in it.

At such a tender age, Aries learned about magic and about how he was a pureblooded wizard. He had already had his moments where magic aided him and it was never as violent as most children's use of magic because he already had everything he wanted. His father was wealthy and Aries never wanted anything from him that he couldn't get within the hour.

Because of the lack of his mother's influence, Aries began to be a little version of his father. He imitated everything that his father did, was interested in the things that his father was interested in, and picked up on all of the trends and statutes that his father followed. He learned how to be the outstanding pureblood that he knew his father wanted him to be.

When Aries turned eleven, he received a letter to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. His father, of course, had been a Hogwarts alumni and he had grown up learning about schooling and how he would learn the proper use of magic. He was already well informed about how it would be at school and he knew it would be a brand new experience.

Entering school, Aries was obviously sorted into Slytherin. He was a very independent person and it attracted his housemates to him. He got along well with the guys, usually involved in any talking, badmouthing, or belittling of other houses. His first year at school didn't even stand up to the rest of his educational career at Hogwarts.

The following years only allowed him to grow. He wasn't stupid; in fact, Aries was one of the top of his class. But he was very lazy and only did what he pleased. Homework and detentions did not bother him and he spent a lot of time doing whatever he wanted.

When he began to attract the females in his house and even in other houses, Aries' rocky relationship with his mother had a major effect on it. He had known that his mother left his father to do whatever she wanted to do with his life and it had made him think that all women would treat men that way. So, he figured he could do it first. There were a lot of potential relationships, but Aries insisted that it was only physical and that latching down to another girl would only weaken him in the end. Aries became very well-known for being a player and girls kept trying to make him see that they weren't all like his mother. He had never revealed to anyone why he did what he did to those girls while he was in school.

After graduating in 1968, Aries figured he could pull himself together and stop being lazy. Despite the fact that he discarded homework, Aries always focused on examinations and it was why he remained top of his class throughout school. He had retained enough OWLs and NEWTs to secure a good paying job. Like many people he knew, he went in for training in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement with the Magical Law Enforcement Squad. The training was very extensive and difficult and he had trained with them for six years before he got an official position as a Hit Wizard and one of the few who made sure people were not casting any particular illegal spells or curses.

In 1977, Derrick Zabini passed away. It was a large part of Aries' life that had been taken away at his father's death and it was the first time he had seen Felicia Connor, his mother, since he started Hogwarts. His father had left him the entire Zabini Estate and several large sums of money. It was during this time in his life where Felicia decided to move in with her son. Aries didn't treat her well for the first couple of months; he made her live in her own wing of the house and ignored her when she would come down to dinner. He would bring home girls and do as he pleased, telling his mother to stay out of the way.

But after a few months, he learned to tolerate her. He still disliked her greatly and felt no really pull towards her, but then he realized he was exactly like her. She had pulled away from Derrick because men had done nothing but hurt her and it was exactly what he was doing to his many conquests. It didn't make him change his mind, but it slightly made him understand his mother. From then on, his life was more peaceful and comfortable.


AIM OHchase omgCHACE
EMAIL brokenglass_x@yahoo.com
OOC JOURNAL [info]amoeba
DISCLAIMER I do not own Taye Diggs or anything related to the HP world. This character is solely imagination based.

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