Yugi's Daily Comments
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Yugi Moto

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October 18th, 2008 || 11:24am
Golly, Kaiba!

I sure haven't seen you in a long time. (o-o) I hope you're A-OK.

I'm having a pizza party this weekend and I thought it would be really swell of you to come!

((ooc: because apparently Yugi grew up in the fifties))
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joeeeeeeyyyy [
February 3rd, 2008 || 1:22pm
Gosh! I sure wonder where Joey is!

I haven't seen him in the longest time...I hope he's not in trouble or anything. Because that would mean he could get hurt and I don't want anyone to get hurt!


( ;-;)*
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Photo Journal [
January 21st, 2008 || 10:50pm
[ mood | :) ]
[ music | lucky 7 ]

I wish people smiled more.

The world would be so much nicer if people just took the time to smile more often!

I'm starting a photo journal where I take a picture of my friends every day. And at the end of the year we'll all see how different we look while we eat some ice cream!

(o *w*)o

Who's with me?!

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This was all his idea... [
January 20th, 2008 || 1:19am
[ mood | crappy ]

I can't believe I've gotten roped into this...trend.

Really. What could posess someone to be so attention-deprived that they would start an online journal to post their feelings?


It's bad enough having to read his diary every day. This could be dangerous! You don't know what kind of predators are lurking out there, just waiting for a little kid like him. I don't want to deal with every single threat that comes his way. And I certainly don't want to get raped!

Is this really pharaoh-like behaviour?

Oh, look, now I've gotten myself all worked up.

Is there a duel around or anything? Why am I even awake?

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hey, guys! [
January 20th, 2008 || 12:22am
So this is a journal, huh?


Hello! (^-^)/*

I wonder if you can play card games here?
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