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Rock Lee ([info]youth_ftw) wrote,
@ 2009-10-06 15:39:00

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Entry tags:commenter: ino, commenter: kiba, commenter: neji, commenter: sakura, commenter: shikamaru, commenter: suigetsu, commenter: tenten, ic

ic; 02
Today, I saw a sign outside of a flower shop, that read: YOUTH IS LIFE. I wanted to share it with everyone, because it's such a wonderful message!

Perhaps tomorrow I'll buy a disposable camera and take some pictures of that sign if it's still out, and maybe some of the dogs being walked in the park! I would so love to have a dog to walk, myself.


There are squirrels there! I saw one standing out in the path, you know. I was jogging, so I kept coming at it, but instead of moving out of the way it ran towards me! It was terrifying! That's the sort of thing I imagine only ever happens in the city.

Though the squirrel was terribly cute. Maybe I'll take pictures of them, too.

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2009-10-07 01:20 am UTC (link)
We could always use a volunteer for dog walking at the clinic...I spend what time I can with them, but since school started back up it's not as much as it was.

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2009-10-07 01:46 am UTC (link)
That sounds like an opportunity I couldn't possibly turn down! And you are...?

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2009-10-07 02:11 am UTC (link)
I'm Kiba, nice to meet you...Lee was it? I'm a friend of Tenten's and you apparently know her too.

But yeah, my family runs a vet clinic if you ever want to come by.

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2009-10-07 02:25 am UTC (link)
That's right; I'm Lee! And I do know Tenten; she was my best friend as a child.

I'd love to look into that.

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2009-10-07 02:31 am UTC (link)
Have her bring you by then, we'll give you the tour

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2009-10-07 07:39 am UTC (link)
I'll ask her when I next see her! Thank you!

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