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Rock Lee ([info]youth_ftw) wrote,
@ 2009-09-29 22:50:00

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Entry tags:commenter: ino, commenter: naruto, commenter: neji, commenter: sakura, commenter: sasuke, commenter: shikamaru, commenter: tenten, ic

ic; 01

I apologise for my lateness in addressing those I've friended on this journal! You see, I've been terribly, terribly busy since the beginning of the year! (And I have secretly come to believe that I am the only one in my subject who is available to tutor others, which has taken a great deal of my time, you see!)

Also, I am not terribly used to having a computer readily available! So... I may or may not have forgotten that I actually have this journal.

BUT THE SAME MISTAKE WILL NOT BE MADE TWICE. I am not a person who will let myself fall back on excuses like forgetfulness and my inability to manage time between activities! So, to repeat myself: I am sorry.

That aside, how is everyone doing? I hope the year has been good to you thus far!

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2009-09-30 04:22 pm UTC (link)
Ten years at least.

Pick a time and place and I'll see what I can do?

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2009-09-30 04:49 pm UTC (link)
Please, I insist that you pick the time!

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2009-09-30 05:08 pm UTC (link)
Well, Sunday's my only day off from work...

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2009-10-01 12:19 am UTC (link)
Sunday's fine!

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2009-10-01 12:40 am UTC (link)
Where should we meet?

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2009-10-01 01:56 am UTC (link)
Somewhere nearby the school, I hope? I do remember seeing a book shop with a bench outside of it.

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2009-10-01 04:43 am UTC (link)
Bench outside of the bookshop sounds like the perfect place, Lee.

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2009-10-01 09:30 am UTC (link)
I hoped so. Sunday, then!

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2009-10-01 01:33 pm UTC (link)
Great! I'll see you then.

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