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Rock Lee ([info]youth_ftw) wrote,
@ 2009-09-29 22:50:00

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Entry tags:commenter: ino, commenter: naruto, commenter: neji, commenter: sakura, commenter: sasuke, commenter: shikamaru, commenter: tenten, ic

ic; 01

I apologise for my lateness in addressing those I've friended on this journal! You see, I've been terribly, terribly busy since the beginning of the year! (And I have secretly come to believe that I am the only one in my subject who is available to tutor others, which has taken a great deal of my time, you see!)

Also, I am not terribly used to having a computer readily available! So... I may or may not have forgotten that I actually have this journal.

BUT THE SAME MISTAKE WILL NOT BE MADE TWICE. I am not a person who will let myself fall back on excuses like forgetfulness and my inability to manage time between activities! So, to repeat myself: I am sorry.

That aside, how is everyone doing? I hope the year has been good to you thus far!

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2009-10-01 09:38 am UTC (link)
...Good, I suppose. I finally got a callback on my portfolio the other day, so I'm going to go in for an audition soon--I love auditions, you know, because those casting guys can never resist me. I always get the part!

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2009-10-01 09:40 am UTC (link)
That's wonderful news! I do hope your audition goes well, but that sort of confidence in yourself I have no doubt that you will succeed! YOSH!

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2009-10-01 09:42 am UTC (link)
See? There you go! God, if my roommate were half as supportive as you, my life would be sooooo much easier! But no, he's all, you're so annoying, Ino and ffffff get out, Ino and you look like a ho, Ino.

What kind of friend is that, huh?

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He's totally [youthfully] crying behind his screen. :|
2009-10-01 09:45 am UTC (link)
You have a friend who would say that?! THAT'S TERRIBLE.

If you ever need support when you feel you can find none, or even if you think it would just be really nice because dire necessity isn't the only time when niceness should be called upon, I will be here to offer a helpful word or lend an ear!

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omg he never should've given her an ear to talk into :(
2009-10-01 09:49 am UTC (link)
I know, right?! And he does all this to me after I've cleaned his apartment and cooked food for him and washed his streaky underwear!

You're sooooo nice, Lee. Is it Lee? Or do you like Rock better?

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He's really far, far too nice.
2009-10-01 09:51 am UTC (link)
Washed his... Um. Well, that certainly isn't nice of him!

I prefer Lee, and thank you.

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he really is. /pinches cheeks
2009-10-01 09:56 am UTC (link)
I know. He's so ungrateful. If you ever see a guy wandering around with a pineapple ponytail and bored expression, his name is Shikamaru and you're free to tell him what a terrible friend he is.

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2009-10-01 09:59 am UTC (link)
I'll be sure to remember this, Miss.

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2009-10-02 06:15 am UTC (link)
Thank you! Aren't you sweeeeeet.

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