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yourtruecolors ([info]yourtruecolors) wrote,
@ 2012-02-16 01:48:00

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Anna was visiting Minnie and DJ again, playing the bass in leggings and a sports bra.

Minnie, still retaining all of her clubbing clothes herself, brought them each a drink when the song ended. "I've always had a soft spot for the Stooges," she admits.

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2012-02-28 08:01 am UTC (link)
Minnie flashes a grateful smile over her shoulder to DJ before turning back to Anna, who's quickly picking up some CDs. She starts to take out a Bowie album that'd been left nearby, since he was just discussed, but Minnie makes a tiny interrupting noise and shakes her head slightly. Anna's slightly puzzled but gift horses, mouths, etc.

Anna instead puts on something a little jazzier, that starts out slow as Minnie sways, starting to get out of her clothes before draping herself even more up close over Anna as she never stops moving.

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2012-02-28 08:02 am UTC (link)
DJ settles himself in with his drink. If there's anything possibly better than getting his own private dances, its watching Anna get one. At least for variety.

Really, really hot variety.

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2012-02-28 08:13 am UTC (link)
And Minnie shows off every line and curve of her body, up close and personal, twisting and flowing, for Anna, even hovering, bent backwards, over her lap at a few points, as if offering those firm little breasts.

And Anna, as a red-blooded American bisexual, can't really resist a quick, light touch with a hint of awe, and a little responsive visual quiver from Minnie.

As the rest of the clothes peel off, and Minnie's movements include brushing against her more and more urgently, Anna's having trouble keeping still herself.

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2012-02-28 08:20 am UTC (link)
She wanted him to direct, and Anna hasn't complained. She may not be the submissive Minnie is - but then few are, but she seems quite willing to go along with their little games, even if she occasionally seems unsure of the degree Minnie has given over control to DJ.

"I think our guest is enjoying the show... if a little twitchy. Why don't you help her finish getting undressed?"

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2012-02-28 08:35 am UTC (link)
Minnie nods to DJ.

Anna, for all her occasional confusion, doesn't object to being undressed, either, and raises her hips while Minnie rather playfully tugs the pants off him with her teeth, never quite falling out of the rhythm as she continues to get Anna stripped down.

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2012-02-28 08:37 am UTC (link)
DJ grins a bit more at the show, and the unveiling of both girls. Particularly the use of teeth in the stripping display.

He lets Minnie go from there for now, so long as the music is playing. There may be more later. For now, he trusts she can handle the task given to her.

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2012-02-28 08:43 am UTC (link)
And Minnie will continue to work at making sure they're both naked, and giving both of the others an excellent view from on and around Anna's lap. She's perched on it artistically as the song ends, still writhing rhythmically, and her hands ,just behind her, cupping one of Anna's larger, rounder breasts in a rather displaying fashion.

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2012-02-28 08:47 am UTC (link)
"Mmm, very nice. I think she'd like you to do more than show those off. Get her worked up for a bit, then come over here a moment, Tessoruccia."

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2012-02-28 08:54 am UTC (link)
An acknowledging sound from Minnie that's soon muffled by Anna's skin as Minnie takes one breast into her mouth, working the other with her hand.

And Anna has absolutely no problem at all, although the sounds of Interest slide into a little whimper of withdrawal when Minnie finally stops suckling at her breasts, climbs from her lap, and cheerfully crawls her way to be at DJ's feet.

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2012-02-28 08:59 am UTC (link)
He leans over to whisper to Minnie, to try and keep at least some surprise in all this, and perhaps keep their guest in a little bit of suspense.

"Spend a while teasing her, I'm enjoying the show. Work up to eating her out... but slow, teasing, keep her in suspense. At some point, see how she reacts to a finger in her ass while you work. I'm curious if she might enjoy anal half as much as you do. But no hurry."

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2012-02-28 09:05 am UTC (link)
Minnie listens attentively and nods before returning to a waiting Anna, who'll happily sink her fingers in Minnie's hair as Minnie's lips go back to exploring her body. Here, there, and everywhere, not staying anywhere too long, until she's finally lavishing her attention on Anna's inner thighs, working her way in as the taller girl moans Minnie's name.

And Minnie still remembers how to work at a decent angle for viewing without spoiling the work itself.

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2012-02-28 09:10 am UTC (link)
DJ's eyes roam over both girls, Minnie on her knees, working so steadily, and her current victim, as well as just following the progress of Minnie's mouth in her explorations.

He has to shift, adjusting himself a little, obviously turned on - but quite happy to be patient when this show is the reward.

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2012-02-28 09:19 am UTC (link)
And Minnie continues downright hungrily, and Anna's quite vocally responsive -- as is Minnie, right into the taller girl's flesh, especially as Anna manages to find out that hair-and-shoulder-petting makes for more such useful noises.

"Oh god, just a little more, Minnie. It's -- oh!" And Anna's eyes open in surprise, but she doesn't object.

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2012-02-28 09:23 am UTC (link)
Yep, that's what he wanted to know, and quickly leads to a little more adjustment on DJ's part while he watches.

"A little harder Tessoruccia... if she asks very nice, you can give her what she's asking for."

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2012-02-28 09:28 am UTC (link)
Obedient as ever, Minnie slips her hand a bit further, works a little more, and soon Anna's begging for just a bit more, and then soon she's crying out and shuddering.

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2012-02-28 09:31 am UTC (link)
"Good girl. Want to help me get undressed while she recovers?"

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2012-02-28 09:32 am UTC (link)
"Yes, please," Minnie says happily, scampering over to do so.

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2012-03-04 04:50 am UTC (link)
He doesn't have a long way to go, but DJ is more than happy to stand up and move about to make everything accessible to let her do most of the work in undressing him the rest of the way.

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2012-03-04 05:01 am UTC (link)
And Minnie cheerfully unzips him and peels off the rest of his clothes, pressing a few quick kisses here and there because she can't quite resist.

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2012-03-04 05:47 am UTC (link)
He grins down at her a little mischeviously, before glancing over to the other girl. "Want to see if your friend is recovered enough to share there?"

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2012-03-04 05:53 am UTC (link)
Minnie turns around and turns a pair of intent eyes on Anna.

"hey, no need for the nuclear option," Anna says cheerfully before making her way over.
Minnie smiles and kisses her cheek before leaning to kiss at DJ's inner thigh and start working her way up.

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2012-03-04 05:57 am UTC (link)
DJ groans softly at the kisses, a hand resting in Minnie's hair, letting her work, and just letting her have her favored guiding grip in place, his eyes turning to look Anna over thoroughly.

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2012-03-04 06:04 am UTC (link)

Anna blushes ever so slightly as she rises up a little and pose slightly. When it's clear that Minnie's mouth is quite thoroughly fixed on delicate skin slightly lower down, she'll lean to take DJ into her mouth, too.

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2012-03-04 06:09 am UTC (link)
His eyes open wider at the sudden dual sensations, his other hand quickly moving to Anna's hair as well, both grips tightening as he takes in a deep draw of breath. A shudder runs through him, as he fails to even find coherent words.

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2012-03-04 06:16 am UTC (link)
And Anna sets out to do a perfectly competent job, avoiding conflict with Minnie while still gradually taking him further, doing all the basic things right. Minnie's a little more ...creative with the mouthful she's got, hands caressing around as her tongue works firmly and she groans a little into him.

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(no subject) - [info]dinosaur_jr, 2012-03-04 06:40 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2012-03-04 06:45 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]dinosaur_jr, 2012-03-04 06:57 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2012-03-04 07:04 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]dinosaur_jr, 2012-03-04 07:17 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2012-03-04 07:22 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]dinosaur_jr, 2012-03-05 12:48 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2012-03-05 12:50 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]dinosaur_jr, 2012-03-05 01:19 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2012-03-05 01:33 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]dinosaur_jr, 2012-03-05 01:46 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2012-03-05 01:52 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]dinosaur_jr, 2012-03-05 02:05 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2012-03-05 02:17 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]dinosaur_jr, 2012-03-05 02:40 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2012-03-05 02:44 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]dinosaur_jr, 2012-03-05 02:49 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2012-03-05 03:02 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]dinosaur_jr, 2012-03-05 03:07 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2012-03-05 03:30 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]dinosaur_jr, 2012-03-05 03:33 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2012-03-05 05:16 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]dinosaur_jr, 2012-03-05 05:21 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2012-03-05 05:24 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]dinosaur_jr, 2012-03-05 05:27 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2012-03-05 05:38 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]dinosaur_jr, 2012-03-05 05:47 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2012-03-05 06:05 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]dinosaur_jr, 2012-03-05 06:12 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2012-03-05 07:12 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]dinosaur_jr, 2012-03-05 05:21 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2012-03-05 07:53 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]dinosaur_jr, 2012-03-10 01:33 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2012-03-10 01:39 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]dinosaur_jr, 2012-03-10 01:55 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2012-03-10 02:09 am UTC

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