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yourtruecolors ([info]yourtruecolors) wrote,
@ 2011-11-26 07:34:00

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The club was rather plain-looking from the outside. There was no line, no velvet rope. That was sort of what 'private' meant, of course.

Once they get in, it's another story. The place is lavishly decorated, and the predominance of Italian suits for the very predominately male audience may make clear why Minnie recommended some of his nicer clothes. The performance space is, interestingly enough, in-the-round, surrounded by chairs with an aisle leading through from Elsewhere -- the Elsewhere to which Minnie retreats to change, first pressing into DJ's hands her newest choker and asking him to hold it for her, then smiling and scurrying off.

When some classic big-band music starts playing and she steps out, she's in a rather lavish midnight outfit.
She starts with a very classic burlesque routine, as well, focusing on the playful strutting, the posing, featuring the imminence of revelation far more than revelation itself, running the coy-petulant-gleeful gamut a bit while showing off the lines of her body in her movements against convenient staging scenery and, gradually, the curves of her body under just the right lighting.

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2011-12-01 03:33 am UTC (link)
"Love you too, my treasure." he replies, nestling in and closing his eyes.

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