It certainly seems to be going well, and Minnie happily, gracefully, tantalizingly plays off the crowd as she goes through the rest of the performance, eventually taking her bow at the end of the song in nothing but some very strategically placed accessories, smiling sweetly at the applause. Despite great temptation, both for the acts themselves and the visual effect in a performance, she'd avoided asking for a very thorough spanking the night before, deciding any sign of residual welts on her skin would be unprofessional.
So as in most performances, the skin she's showing off a little more blatantly, a little more wantonly to the faster paced music is flawless.
The performance will go on quite some time, the sweat glistening on her eventually, a stray lock of hair coming loose by accident or design and plastering to her face just so. And then finally, when she can't seem to possibly have the crowd more rapt, she takes her final bow and goes to dress.
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