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yourtruecolors ([info]yourtruecolors) wrote,
@ 2011-11-21 01:38:00

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The tour'd gone off without a -- well, actually, there had been some hitches, but nothing that couldn't be fixed, usually by Minnie dragging the appropriate person off for a talk, so that Pauline and DJ could focus on the performance.

And the crowds loved them. A little effervescence, a little primality, a little food for thought. It worked. The album was selling such a fashion that it highlighted how much the 'hotcakes' idiom needed to be updated for the contemporary market.

The bus they'd acquired was quite comfortable, all things considered, but eventually, she'd booked a number of very small and basic, but clean and comfortable, motel rooms for them all, and headed to DJ with one after the show.

"You were all wonderful."

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2011-11-22 07:39 am UTC (link)
"Mmm, you've given me a room for the night, a dance, a backrub, and good sex... is there anything you'd like? I could probably be talked into a lot."

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2011-11-22 07:52 am UTC (link)
"I've liked every minute of tonight," she says. "But you know me... greedy." Minnie starts to move herself lower.

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2011-11-22 07:55 am UTC (link)
And he's just fine with where this is going. He shifts his hand, but keeps it twined in her hair as she slides downward. "If that's greedy, I entirely support your greed."

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2011-11-22 07:58 am UTC (link)
"I want what I want; I admit it," she says as she slinks down his body. She takes him in hand and strokes, while her mouth goes lower to lick.

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2011-11-22 09:36 am UTC (link)
That brings a slow, drawn out groan. "No complaints." he admits freely, shaft stiffening again under her touch.

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2011-11-22 09:40 am UTC (link)
She licks her way up, tasting a little of herself on him, fingers still working as she slowly takes him into her mouth.

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2011-11-23 07:22 am UTC (link)
That gets a slow, drawn out groan, his muscular body shivering a little as he resists the urge to push into her mouth, savoring every second of her slow work.

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2011-11-23 07:25 am UTC (link)
And slow she tries to keep it, though her hips twitch a little; she can't help but be turned on by the process. She focuses on certain essential places at first, then slips him further down her throat just as she groans around him.

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2011-11-23 07:59 am UTC (link)
His fingers work more into her hair, grip tightening and back arching as he feels the tightness of her throat around him.

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2011-11-23 08:06 am UTC (link)
That, of course, just gets her more eager on him, withdrawing some and returning hungrily.

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2011-11-23 08:09 am UTC (link)
This time he meets her movements, thrusting urgently, forcing himself into her throat over and over as the shivers and shudders intensify, his breath quickening.

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2011-11-23 08:13 am UTC (link)
And Minnie enjoys that, relishes it, her eyes looking over to his as she makes more pleading little sounds onto him.

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2011-11-23 08:16 am UTC (link)
With one more long groan, he begins to fill her throat, his whole body tensing up, then slowly easing up as he climaxes, the grip on her hair eventually turning into a fond, gentle pet.

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2011-11-23 08:21 am UTC (link)
She drinks it all down carefully, leaning into the pettingn as she disengages, catches her breath, and just enjoys the relief-ache and his affection.

Finally a sigh. "Always nice." She very slowly kisses her way up his body.

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2011-11-23 08:25 am UTC (link)
He offers her a shoulder to lie on, and nestles her into his side. "No arguments here."

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2011-11-23 08:27 am UTC (link)
She happily snuggles there with an affirming sound.

She's quite content, but then something comes to mind, and when she speaks, she sounds a little....awkward. "...DJ? Next week, after we get back, I've got this performance, at a venue I haven't done in a while."

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2011-11-23 08:30 am UTC (link)
He glances at her, not used to hearing her sounding so awkward about most things. "Oh? Mind if I come to your show? I know you love your dancing."

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2011-11-23 08:35 am UTC (link)
"Thanks. I'd like that. It's a private club, but I can get you an invite for the night. And I'd appreciate it, actually. It's a great performance space, but some of the regulars, at least back then, could get kind of annoying if you didn't have someone to go home with, you know?"

It had never been an annoyance Minnie'd had to worry about personally, because even if she was alone, people there were familiar with the insignia at her throat. Now, having DJ there wouldn't just nice as a performer, it would be ...nice. In general.

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2011-11-23 08:37 am UTC (link)
"I know how the show scene gets. I've played the boyfriend more than once for the girls. I'll look forward to it."

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2011-11-23 08:38 am UTC (link)
She smiles and kisses his cheek. "Thanks. Sweet of you."

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2011-11-23 08:41 am UTC (link)
"No problem, in your case, its an easy role to play."

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2011-11-23 08:46 am UTC (link)
She chuckles softly and cuddles more. "Yeah."

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