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Dinosaur_Jr ([info]dinosaur_jr) wrote in [info]yourtruecolors,
He ponders this. Parts of it are easy, but he wants to make sure she's suitably spoiled tonight... which usually involves spoiling him.

"First of all, you're going to dance for your dinner. Pick out some music that suits you tonight, and figure out one of your routines to do with it... to complete nude, of course. Through dinner, you'll keep yourself as on display as possible... you can figure out how to do so to best advantage while I'm gone. Then we can eat and talk for a little bit, and relax. When dinner is over, and we've cleaned up, have some of that baby oil ready, I'd include oiling up in your dance routine, but that gets messy for eating... so I'm going to have you oil yourself up and touch yourself for me, I'll give you a position at the time... and lastly, while you're doing so, I want you to be prepared to tell me, if you could have me do any three things, anything, to you, or with you, what would they be. And I'll ask you about those at interesting moments... so don't tell me until I ask. Is all of that clear?"

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