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Flashback: Learning experience [27 Jul 2011|11:10pm]
A fine performance, if she did say so herself. A little flirting. A little chloroform. A good bit of sabotaging security cameras. And a very interesting dance through a field of criss-crossed lines most people could not have seen, first to the box, then back with it.

Minnie had carefully left one or two clues in line with the modus operandi of a known thief of similar artifacts. To avoid too much fuss, you know?

When she arrived back at her little apartment in Prenzlauer Berg, she made the call to Her. The Goddess, The Black Queen, the Dark Priestess, Lady Selene, Ms. Arlene, or, as she generally still remained in the childish depths of Minnie's mind, the Tall Lady.

"Ma'am? It's done."
And there was that voice like dark silk velvet. "Very good. Bring it to the usual contacts."

"Yes, Ma'am." Pause, as she screws her courage. "My Lady, may I speak to him, please?"

"He has gone to the United States, and is quite busy. Perhaps later, if you continue to do well."

"Yes, Ma'am. Thank you." She does her best to keep her voice steady. "Any further instructions?"

"You will be informed when there are." A click.

Minnie sat in her room in the dark, and wondered if she'd ever be good enough to be back at Julian's side again.
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