RP challenge meme. |
[26 Jun 2011|03:32pm] |
the rules: 1. Truth or Dare: Post a scene idea as a dare. It can be in-canon, or it can be AU. You can challenge any of mine with any of yours. I can take the dare, or turn it down, by offering an honest in character answer to any question you want to ask. If I take the dare, you can set up the scene and we'll play through it.
2. Putting the 'R' in RP: So most of the time, rp comes down to casual social or big mod-run plots. This is neither, so let's spice it up. Your dare-scene challenge must involve either A. gratuitous violence, B. gratuitous nudity (I'm willing to play out sex scenes if they make sense, or hint at them) C. gratuitous crack. - because these aren't going through moderation, they can't really change anything, no new powers, no big item acquisitions, but gratuitous hero battles or villain of the week-ish stuff should be ok. Multiple choices from A, B and C are also possible.
3. Pay it Forward: As usual, if you take this challenge and post a scene idea, you also need to put this up in one of your journals, and offer some or all of yours up for scene challenges. Now the tricky part - if I take a dare, I will temp at least one of the npcs needed, if any are. I will not require you to NPC for me, no. Instead, you must temp at least one npc in any dares you take.
Gwenny Lou Sabuki Lulu Sheppard Kev Kinross Giovanna Bennet Vernique Denning Bea Dayspring Kristoff Vernard (two versions) Mac Rider Starbridge Xavier Neramani Amiko Kobayashi (Yashida) Leech Pauline 'Fantasia' Argosy Cindy Lord Exodus Moira and Danielle Hrimharisdottir and Douglas Hrimaharison Melanie Hall Sylvia McCoy Corey Drake Sally Roth GK Walker Ruth Morgenstern Minnie
and, in noncomicdom, Sal Smith.