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Company [16 Feb 2012|01:48am]
Anna was visiting Minnie and DJ again, playing the bass in leggings and a sports bra.

Minnie, still retaining all of her clubbing clothes herself, brought them each a drink when the song ended. "I've always had a soft spot for the Stooges," she admits.
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[26 Nov 2011|07:34am]
The club was rather plain-looking from the outside.Read more... )
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[21 Nov 2011|01:38am]
The tour'd gone off without a -- well, actually, there had been some hitches, but nothing that couldn't be fixed, usually by Minnie dragging the appropriate person off for a talk, so that Pauline and DJ could focus on the performance.

And the crowds loved them. A little effervescence, a little primality, a little food for thought. It worked. The album was selling such a fashion that it highlighted how much the 'hotcakes' idiom needed to be updated for the contemporary market.

The bus they'd acquired was quite comfortable, all things considered, but eventually, she'd booked a number of very small and basic, but clean and comfortable, motel rooms for them all, and headed to DJ with one after the show.

"You were all wonderful."
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Special [09 Nov 2011|02:23pm]
They'd been roommates for a couple of months now. Minnie hadn't received any word yet, but she paid her share of the bills with what she got for managing. Which had included all the bookings, ready and waiting, for the upcoming tour. They had a bus, enough venues to make it profitable, the right hotel reservations, and everything the band, particularly Pauline, needed to feel comfortable. Minnie had triple-checked obsessively and everything seemed to have come together, ready to set out next week. So they'd celebrated at the club tonight, at length in the DJ booth. And he'd promised, quite believably, that he wasn't done, so Minnie's very interested as they get home.
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[03 Nov 2011|02:58am]
It was good work, for now. Until her sweet master returned, well, now that she'd learned where the points were that the band should never do without, she dug in like a very stylish terrier with the venues and wouldn't let go of those points. She expanded their areas of performance, got some wider distribution for their CDs, played hostess for crew parties, and yet somehow DJ's apartment was usually spotless when she met him at the door, desperate for his touch.

Minnie had never been much of a slacker.
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Losing My Mind [18 Oct 2011|01:41am]
Julian had been gone a while. Minnie was going crazy without him. She'd done without much longer before, but every time back with him just made it more tantalizing when they were separated again. So she threw on her knee-high stiletto leather boots and some black-leather-and-leather clothes which....used less leather than the boots and went down to where DJ Whedon was spinning.

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Flashback: Two years ago. [28 Aug 2011|04:40pm]
The Red King was starting to nod off where he lounged. His associates thanked Minnie for her performances and for the 'joint operation' they'd participated in earlier together. They get her coat for her and show her out.
Minnie returns to her little flat and waits as instructed for the knock at the door. She's tired, but she can't go to bed yet. The Tall Lady is coming.
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AU: In Service [25 Aug 2011|08:36pm]
Minnie was taking notes in her head. She was doing this beside the chair of the Lady ... Lord Imperial -- grammatically, it ought to be Lady, blast it! -- of the Hellfire Club. She was doing it from her knees beside said chair, because she liked it that way. And Tina didn't object. Minnie was wearing her diamond choker and bracers and...well, a little bit else, and she was carefully cataloguing everything Tina needed to be done.
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Flashbacks [28 Jul 2011|05:51pm]
Minnie was twelve.Read more... )

Minnie was twelve. Read more... )

Minnie was 17. NB: Inappropriate )

Minnie was 17. NB: Inappropriate )

Minnie was 20. Read more... )

Minnie was 20. Read more... )
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Flashback: Learning experience [27 Jul 2011|11:10pm]
A fine performance, if she did say so herself. A little flirting. A little chloroform. A good bit of sabotaging security cameras. And a very interesting dance through a field of criss-crossed lines most people could not have seen, first to the box, then back with it.

Minnie had carefully left one or two clues in line with the modus operandi of a known thief of similar artifacts. To avoid too much fuss, you know?

When she arrived back at her little apartment in Prenzlauer Berg, she made the call to Her. The Goddess, The Black Queen, the Dark Priestess, Lady Selene, Ms. Arlene, or, as she generally still remained in the childish depths of Minnie's mind, the Tall Lady.

"Ma'am? It's done."
And there was that voice like dark silk velvet. "Very good. Bring it to the usual contacts."

"Yes, Ma'am." Pause, as she screws her courage. "My Lady, may I speak to him, please?"

"He has gone to the United States, and is quite busy. Perhaps later, if you continue to do well."

"Yes, Ma'am. Thank you." She does her best to keep her voice steady. "Any further instructions?"

"You will be informed when there are." A click.

Minnie sat in her room in the dark, and wondered if she'd ever be good enough to be back at Julian's side again.
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Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. [24 Jul 2011|02:38am]
On the way to Whitman's place, Minnie was still worried about Tina, but she'd have to be okay for now.

Tina had implied Minnie's hunch about Whitman's being up to something wasn't groundless, so she was going to get in well with him the best way she could.

She kept her interested eyes on him every moment they were in the car, squirming in her seat just a little. If he'd wanted a playing-it-cool queen of perfection, he'd have gone after Tina. Best to be the little tease with fire burning in her for a real man that she normally was. A.C. didn't know he wasn't a Real Man.
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Flashback: Once upon a December. [23 Jul 2011|12:14am]
It was cold. Too cold, but adjusting the thermostat wasn't what Minnie had in mind.

Julian was out, for the moment. He hadn't been sure what time he'd be home, so she wasn't allowed to worry yet, because he wasn't later than he said.

So Minnie, in her thick, soft dressing gown, went looking for Tina.
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Isn't it grand? (Bendytimed) [16 Jul 2011|01:25am]
Minnie strutted out under the eyes of the crowd to the opening strains of "Nowadays." She struck a pose, then leaned to set her hands on her knees and slide them up her body in quite the little presentation. Soon, she's pulling off her gloves with her teeth, one by one. Then she turns and slowly peels the rest of her outwear, slowly unveiling her corsetry, her hips carefully in rhythm.
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When I think about you.... [14 Jul 2011|02:56pm]
((Note: Explicit content))

Read more... )
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'Character Trailer' [13 Jul 2011|08:23pm]
Close up on Minnie's smiling face.

"It's all about finding your place, when you get right down to it," she says. "In this world of strangers, if you belong to someone, well, knowing whose you are counters any worries about who or what you are, doesn't it?"

Images flash of the human mutant conflict on all sides. "So many of the things people fight about, it's all too bad, really. And in most cases, left to my own devices, I wouldn't pay it much mind."

Pan out, showing Minnie in outline, behind a seated outlined figure, clearly holding something tight around his neck. "But like the song says..."

The scarf comes away and the body audibly drops, suffocated, as the close up comes in on Minnie again "I won't regret what I did for love."
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Flashback: If you love them... (Age 16) [29 Jun 2011|01:53am]
"So what is it?" Minnie asked, standing upside-down on her hands in her Danskins, but looking at Julian rather seriously nevertheless. "Are you hungry? 'Cause I'm feeling fine, you can... Julian what is it?"
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More Memories [27 Jun 2011|12:21am]
She was four. Mr. H. was in the parlor with the Tall Lady, kneeling down to kiss her hands, like a prince and princess. It must be a game! Minnie scrambled out of her hiding place and sat up on her knees as well, grinning.
"Hello!" She said cheerily to the boy next to the Tall Lady.
"Oh, she has good instincts, my darling," said the Tall Lady. "You two run along and play."

She was nine. Julian was bandaging her feet while she tried to assure him the blood was no big deal, and must be perfectly normal, because every said it was supposed to hurt a bit at first, and they could get it out of all the socks easy, but wasn't she good at en pointe? Wasn't she?

She was eleven. Mr. Buckles was...ashes. In the carpet. Minnie hugged Julian tight, told him it wasn't his fault, and no, she didn't get it either, but he'd figure it out, then went to get the vaccuum.

She was fourteen. She was the best her teacher had ever had, dancing rings around the girls whose lessons were financed by their parent rather than an employer. And Julian was her biggest fan.

She was sixteen. Julian clutched her tightly. She had to get his mind off of this. So she kissed him, passionately.
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RP challenge meme. [26 Jun 2011|03:32pm]
the rules:
1. Truth or Dare: Post a scene idea as a dare. It can be in-canon, or it can be AU. You can challenge any of mine with any of yours. I can take the dare, or turn it down, by offering an honest in character answer to any question you want to ask. If I take the dare, you can set up the scene and we'll play through it.

2. Putting the 'R' in RP: So most of the time, rp comes down to casual social or big mod-run plots. This is neither, so let's spice it up. Your dare-scene challenge must involve either A. gratuitous violence, B. gratuitous nudity (I'm willing to play out sex scenes if they make sense, or hint at them) C. gratuitous crack. - because these aren't going through moderation, they can't really change anything, no new powers, no big item acquisitions, but gratuitous hero battles or villain of the week-ish stuff should be ok. Multiple choices from A, B and C are also possible.

3. Pay it Forward: As usual, if you take this challenge and post a scene idea, you also need to put this up in one of your journals, and offer some or all of yours up for scene challenges. Now the tricky part - if I take a dare, I will temp at least one of the npcs needed, if any are. I will not require you to NPC for me, no. Instead, you must temp at least one npc in any dares you take.

Gwenny Lou Sabuki
Lulu Sheppard
Kev Kinross
Giovanna Bennet
Vernique Denning
Bea Dayspring
Kristoff Vernard (two versions)
Mac Rider
Starbridge Xavier Neramani
Amiko Kobayashi (Yashida)
Pauline 'Fantasia' Argosy
Cindy Lord
Moira and Danielle Hrimharisdottir and Douglas Hrimaharison
Melanie Hall
Sylvia McCoy
Corey Drake
Sally Roth
GK Walker
Ruth Morgenstern

and, in noncomicdom, Sal Smith.
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But when the music started; something drew me to your side [23 Jun 2011|12:28am]
Minnie couldn't sleep. And going to Julian wasn't an option, as he was...occupied. So she put on her club clothes -- not the performing kind, but they resembled them in many ways -- and went out.

She'd met NICH Machinegun in passing; Julian had quickly introduced her as his assistant, and they'd moved on. But she'd reviewed the personal schedules of all of X-Factor extensively. And she decided to watch DJ Whedon spin.
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AU: Next of Kin [20 Jun 2011|01:21am]
Julian Howard was called down to the morgue after enough investigation. He identified his tiny dancer's body. There's some reluctance, looking at his expression, to tell him all the details the autopsy revealed, all the details of what had clearly been done to her, but Julian coldly demands it. He signs for the body, saying he'll handle the arrangements for the cremation Minnie would have wanted.

She isn't the only one who'll be ashes by the time her memorial service is held.
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