Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: De
Email: On File
AIM (if you have one): On File
Character Name: Angela Waller-Holt
Character LJ (if applicable): yourkingismine
Physical description (face, build, weight): Angela Holt is 5'6", 130 lbs. She has brown eyes and black hair and is excellent physical shape. She also has the words "No Rules" tattooed on her right shoulder blade.
Age: 25
Birthday: February 11th
Codename (if using one): N/A
PB: (If using one.): Katerina Graham
Abilities: Angela is a natural linguist, able to speak, read, and write any language she comes into contact with. She may do so by reading it, or her favorite, listening to it. She learned to speak Bushman from watching "The Gods Must Be Crazy" when she was three, both annoying and surprising her parents to no end (though they each blamed each other for this). She can also read body-language and gain insight into a person's general mood or emotional state and she can even read and "speak" binary.
Angela is able to read/write/understand several languages, as well as few fictional ones. She knows Japanese, French, Mandarin Chinese, Castillian Spanish, Americanized Spanish, Hebrew, Russian, Italian, Binary, German and Quenya (Elvish). If she doesn't know a language, it won't take her long to get a grasp on it and she'll be fluent in it short order.
Angela is also well on the path to outstripping her father's ability in technology, effortlessly understand and operating his T-Spheres in her adolescence; she usually has at least three cloaked T-Spheres hovering about her at all times. Her facility with linguistics has aided her in her understand of machines; Angela is also secretly the Suicide Squad's weapon's designer, but she'll be damned if she lets her mother or father find out what she can really do with technology. She knows they'd reassign her to a lab for the rest of her life to keep her out of the field and her chances at advance in Checkmate as anything other than an "egghead" would vanish forever. To this end, she's hired a weapons designer to pose as her tech person for the time being.
Angela is also intermediate hand-to-hand combatant and cause use various automatic and semi-automatic weapons. She has received basic espionage training.
Weaknesses and flaws: Rex Stewart.
Angela is stubborn and can be controlling. She is also manipulative due to a lifetime of learning how from one of the best in the business. She is a normal human woman with human frailties.
Character location/Home: Baton Rogue, LA./Mobile
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Independent
Team: Suicide Squad/Checkmate
Relatives (living/dead?): Michael Holt (Father), Angela Waller (Mother)
Backstory: Angela is the daughter of Mister Terrific (Michael Holt) and Amanda Waller, leader and liaison to the Suicide Squad strike force. She was recruited into the organization straight out of college by Manchester Black against the wishes of her mother and father. Angela enjoys her work with Checkmate and hopes to become the Black Queen of the organization someday. She has a good relationship with her father, whom she seems to have more in common with. Her relationship with "The Wall" is not solely antagonistic, but her mother's constant badgering about getting out of Checkmate is getting old. To this end, she researched the information on her mother's previous incarnations of the Suicide Squad and put together her own version of the group to prove that she has the skill necessary to organize and command. Angela has inherited her father's natural aptitude for learning, but only in two areas: technology and linguistics. She double-majored in both from M.I.T. four years ago, having gained her Masters Degrees, and is thinking about going back to get her doctorates as soon as possible.
She is willing to listen and discuss things, but once she's decided how a situation must be handled, she expects it to happen that way.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: She has been introduced as the handler for the Suicide Squad.
What are you planning to do with this character?: Have her work both sides of things as a friend to the JSA and a member of Checkmate, which no one is aware of. I'd also like to see her interact with other hero types as time goes on.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Evolve and move up in Checkmate and decide if she's going to work with the heroes or against them, like her mother did.
Test Scenes: can be provided upon request.