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xxsmallzxx ([info]xxsmallzxx) wrote,
@ 2008-06-26 16:36:00

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 well.. i'm sitting at the hospice center where they took my grandma, hospice is basically where they take you when it's your last  few moments at life. You know i never really went to go see my grandma after she started to forget things and stuff bc  i hated seeing her like this. I grew up in her houose, before we moved to mason that's where i lived. me my mom my dad and my sister all lived in that little 3 bedroom house with her. and i remember sitting in her rocking chair with her and playing with her wrinkles on her hand. And her trying to teach me how to sew. of course that never worked out. 
I didnt want to come today but i wanted to tell her that i was here and i wanted to say bye. bc since she has been really sick this last couple weeks my mom says she keeps asking about me.and that breaks my little heart. So i came today and she looks just like my aunt did who died a year ago. I dont want that image to be my last image of  her. Bc the last image of my aunt is  like that and i hate it. But I wanted to write this before I went in there by myself to talk to her and let her know that I am there even though she can't respond i want her to know her little christy is here and i want to tell her bye, bc i know i will regret it if i dont.

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2008-06-28 07:20 pm UTC (link)
im sorry=( it must really hurt but hang in there!

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2008-06-30 04:51 pm UTC (link)
thanks.. i'm doing better.

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