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xxsmallzxx ([info]xxsmallzxx) wrote,
@ 2008-03-28 15:45:00

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Okay so I really don't understand GIRLS!! UHGGG .... idk why i bother anymore. I mean Franci came to me and asked for my advice. I gave it to her, she finally realized what a Douche Bo is, which he was and he treats her like shit, so she broke up with him, and then i go to tennesse and come back and they are back together?? UM what? She said "EVERYONE DESERVES a 2nd chance right?" um no not if they treat you like shit. Her problem is she just doesnt like being single..which is absolutely gay, and i told her that. but it's whatever it's on her this time, i'm done with her always coming to me complaining about how BO or guys in general are treating her like shit, they treat her like shit because they know they can. it's so annoying, and now we're back to NEVER seeing her again, because she'll always be with BO, and BO HATES me, apparently im a bitch and im a bad influence on her? whatever he doesnt know me.

uhg girls girl girls....... they suck

sorry i had to get that out in the open i am just pissed.

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2008-03-30 01:59 pm UTC (link)
Bo is so nasty. She could do better. It's her fault for being in a relationship with someone that treats her like shit. You've done all you can sweetie!

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2008-03-30 11:44 pm UTC (link)
yeah i know.. thanks (=

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