Current location: | schooL |
Current music: | amber talking to me (= |
friends are sluts..well this one
So apparently my life is INSANE! So yeah i know i've been through a lot of crap in my life that most ppl haven't gone through and I've made mistakes but why and how does that effect your life? Yeah so Linz told me last night that she doesnt wanna be friends bc my life is insane and she can't HANDLE it? um okay thanks .... and i know this has something to do with Jordan. I know she's a lesbian and all is she jealous of jordan? I mean she always tells me how jordans not good for me. I'm sorry be he's the best thing that has happen to me..and obviously he really wants to be around bc who the fuck would do all the shit that he has for me..
uhggggg,.... idddkkkkkkkkkkkkk
I just really don't have luck with girls. . . .
bleH </3
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