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xxsmallzxx ([info]xxsmallzxx) wrote,
@ 2008-02-24 21:20:00

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so Kayla's bday is tomorrow she'll be two.! (=  That pic is of her with her new computer toy thing we got her. Cuz we had a bday gathering for her saturday! she's too cute. I've taught her new words... she now says ROCK ON, PYSCHO MOMMY, and HEY TOOTLES! lol she's so freaking cute.. anyway enough bragging about how adorbale my niece/sister is bahaha. 
So friday was Linsey's bday she got her L's back! (= so we're back to our old mondays.. mm so excited!! (= 

hhmm anyway.... nothing much happen this weekend.

bleH peace

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2008-02-25 06:12 am UTC (link)
i love little kidsssssss!!!!

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2008-02-25 02:49 pm UTC (link)
u can have her if you want her until she's like 5 or 6 thats the ages i like 5/6 & upp !! (=

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