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xxsmallzxx ([info]xxsmallzxx) wrote,
@ 2008-02-03 16:34:00

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Current location:kt's house
Current music:katie taLkinggg

weekend goodness

well friday i had to work 5-9 but i was sick and i ended up going home at like 730 and going to bed for the nightt. that was nice to just sleep and sleep, i felt a little better saturday morning, so i went to work...got sent home early again, so i took a showerr and Robrob came and got me and we met jenna and katie at the mall. [good times] (= and then we just all hung out yada yada...we had to take jenna home she had to work in the AM )= boo so me,kt and rob partied it up at my sisters. Rob had a little too much fun and left early he called his mom to pick him up? then it was good for a while then rye the Dbag he is called the ambulance and yeah so we all had to leave so we stayed in a hoteL...uhg yeah not feeling it i regret drinking. lol like always ohwell. me & katie woke up a little rough. and now we're just chillen. 

why would he say all that stuff too me? one he wasn't even remotely drunk so i dont wanna hear that excuse, and why do you do all this shit. im sorry i ever met you. ever sense i met you everything screwed up. so fuck you kay thanks!!! (=

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2008-02-03 10:53 pm UTC (link)
what shit did he say...and y did he call the fucking ambulence

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2008-02-04 01:18 am UTC (link)
okay well rye, yeah we kinda had a thing...uhg dont ask he's an asshole and i found out the hard way. and he was like i still have feelings for you, and i love you. im like um you have a girlfriend and then he was like would it be completely wrong if i did this and started making out with me im like umm yeah it would be.
and calling the ambulence...cuz he's a light wait and cant fucking handle alchol there for he shouldnt be drinking!!!! uhgg he's stupid too

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2008-02-04 05:57 am UTC (link)
wow he should stay away from you

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2008-02-04 05:10 pm UTC (link)
yupp pretty much i hope he dies...lol okay well maybe not die cuz thats really mean...you know what fuck it i can be mean if i wanna be mean! (= he's a boy so there for that gives me more rights to be mean

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