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[16 Jun 2008|04:30pm]
[ music | cicadas )= ]

 so lets see.. it's def. been awhile. Um summers finally here... just been hanging out with katie. I would sit here and go into full detail about all the shit thats been going on but it would be like freaking forever... but im really bored so i think i might. . . eehh nah.. i will put it in a nutshell.. basically me and franci aren't friends anymore she puts guys before anyone else in her life even her family which is pathetic especially when its a guy that treats her like shit. and yeahhhh i've been getting rid of the ppl that just weren't true friends so if your still around be honored bc that means your fuckin awesome (= 

i have like 67 days until college... i can't believe it. I'm really excited, but im nervous too. I mena i know everyone else is going away to college too but it's like is everything going to be the same when we come back for breaks and stuff? I mean i guess things will be a little different... but idk..i guess i can't hold onto all this forever right? =/ but i think i might just stay at kent for like a year and transfer to cincy state. bc kents really expensive bc id have to live on campus and stuff. so idk.. i mean dont get me wrong Kent has been like my dream to go there all year. and im totaly excited i got accepted!!! (= idk we will see...

but i gues i just gotta live summer upppp (= 

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[ viewing | June 16th, 2008 ]
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