that [SmaLLz] Life -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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[31 Jan 2008|07:10pm]
[ music | fall for you- secondhand serenade ]

 well havent really done much lately...been off work all week til Friday night. Suppose to hang out with Franci friday after work...we'll see if we actually hang out? Saturday working 9-3 well maybe? lol if it anything like last saturday that wont happen...then HANGING OUT WITH KATIE!! mm so excitedd...a much needed sleepoverr with a bff is needed! (= 
umm so yeah that looks like my week. . . haven't been feeling too well still idk what my problem is but ohwell who cares.. just as long as i dont like die or something im fine (which im sure i wont)

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[ viewing | January 31st, 2008 ]
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