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ximkjwadaz ([info]ximkjwadaz) wrote,
@ 2011-12-09 19:44:00

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Entry tags:beamtendarlehen

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2015-10-08 02:45 am UTC (link)
Three years chaise wellbutrin generic 150 mg lawyer (http://www.trimaral.net/wellbutrin.html) Here’s how it works, and it’s really quite obvious. The healthcare, insurance, and pharmaceutical industries have been in charge of America’s healthcare. Their focus, of course, is to increase their profits by any means necessary, including getting legislation passed that benefits their profit making. Then along comes Barack Obama. He promises to reform healthcare in America so that most Americans have access to affordable healthcare. He chooses a market-based Republican plan so that Democrats and Republicans could work on healthcare reform in a bi-partisan fashion. Obviously he underestimated the Republicans adherence to the demands from the “leaders” of our healthcare industries. So Obama and the Democrats do the heavy lifting themselves, get healthcare reform passed and are now implementing it. Because the healthcare industry, in particular the insurance industry, is required to make some concessions in order to get all Americans covered, they are opposed to Obamacare. They aren’t interested in concessions. Remember, they’re only interested in profits. So they tell the Republicans to stop Obamacare so we can get back to the old system that allows them to maximize their profits. The GOP and the insurance industry spend a lot of time, energy, and money trying to convince as many docile Americans as possible that Obamacare is evil and what we had before is great. Most people on the left of the divide aren’t falling for it. Most people on the right are.

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