Wonder Man Application |
[20 Apr 2011|11:27pm] |
Player (nickname/handle): De Email: graysonrich28@gmail.com AIM (if you have one): discord28@gmail.com How did you hear about the game? (optional) : Have been part of the community for awhile. Character Info Character Name: Simon Williams/Wonder Man Character LJ (if applicable): wonder_wall Character location/Base of Operations: Los Angeles, CA/ Mobile Sample Post – http://www.scribbld.com/users/wonder_wall/489.html Plans: What are your plans for the character? – I’d like to see Simon continue to try to balance his fame with being a hero, though he doesn’t intend to go back to heroing. Also, I’d like to see him possibly branch out and start another company at some point. How are you planning on working them into the game?- Simon is working full-time as an actor, doing movies, voice-overs and going on TV shows to talk about his experiences as a hero. Is there anything from canon that you plan on changing with that character? I’d really like to forget that entire bit where he was in love with Wanda or minimize it. He’s definitely over her. What sort of plots to do you want to do with this character? Please be as detailed as you wish – I’d like to see a West Coast Avengers team form up and tackle some things, and I’m open to more suggestions. Also, having Simon go up against his brother would be really cool, too.
Catching up |
[19 Apr 2011|07:53pm] |
There were few times in his life that Simon Williams worried about being stood up, but tonight was one of them. He waited outside the steakhouse in uptown New York, trying to ignore the paparazzi that had been following shadowing him the last hour and a half. Sure, the girl was nice enough and not one of his usual stalkers, but damn it if it she didn't attract her share of trouble, too.
The last thing Simon needed was more trouble, especially these days.
He's been out of the superhero game since Osborn invited him to leave the previous incarnation of the Avengers when he set up his own team. Rather than sit idle or join up with the underground resistance, Simon chose to focus on his career, also know as the part of his life that made him a household name. Wonder Man was just one of many heroes out there, but people /loved/ Simon Williams.
When asked his feelings on the Superhuman Registration Act, he'd been candid; he said that everyone had gone about it wrong on both sides and the public trust got caught in the crossfire. He didn't win any friends in The Community with that one and a few people, like Clint Barton, basically told him to lose their number.
At least /she/ picked up the phone when he called.
So he waited in his blue shirt and black slacks, hoping that Carol was going to show up. Otherwise, tonight seemed like a good night to fly and not stop.