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Flynn Wisdom

Meme: "I'm gonna need a bigger can of Raid"

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Just when you think life could not get any worse...you have to battle freakishly huge bugs just to survive. Thank god he had his partner in crime battling right next to him. Most would not think he and Marko would be a suitable match for partner's in crime in fact Wisdom could hardly believe Marko stood by his side this entire time--through all the mayhem Marko had his back.

Nobody can figure out why the bugs suddenly reached Godzilla status (size wise). All he knew was they had been battle with from day one. Right now they were taking shelter, devising a plan for the next attack, plus Wisdom wasn't built like Marko, he needed to rest.

"This is just bloody fucking wonderful..." Fynn grumbled, slouching down and running his hands over his face..which was covered in various bug guts.
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