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"Providence of Mutantdom" [20 Jun 2010|12:14am]

1)      While Cable’s island think-tank/prototype utopia, Providence, has been around for several years now, it makes the news when scientists there make the announcement that they’ve discovered a way to induce mutation in anyone.  This naturally makes the outside world very nervous, because Cable’s just enough of an unknown and wildcard that it’s not known what he would do with it.  And, of course, there’s the speculation that if they can induce it, they can “cure” mutation.


2)      Scott makes the decision to insert X-Force onto the island, given that the majority of them (Rose, Anastasia, Tina, Joey, and Melinda) would be complete unknowns to him, while Rose and Annie would be familiar enough with their version of Cable to provide some guidance.  Jake Wagner is also promoted to X-Force at this time.


3)      X-Force is inserted into the island under a variety of cover identities.  After a few days recon, they stealth suit up to break into the lab.


4)      This is just in time to stop a group of villains (which I’m in the process of creating and need a name for, since there’s already a new Brotherhood and MLF) from trying to steal the same.


5)      Fight, X-Force drives them off, just in time to be caught by Prester John, Cable, and the other security forces of Providence.  They’re blamed for the theft.


6)      X-Force fights their way out, with the general feeling Cable let them go. 



This leaves the notion of the mutagenic/cure to be returned to for a later plot.

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The X-Tremists [20 Jun 2010|09:46pm]


Real Name: Sofia Lehnsherr (believed to be an assumed name)

Age: 24


History: Little verifiable is known of the women who calls herself Magneta, though she claims to be the daughter of former mutant terrorist Magneto.  SHIELD and other peace-keeping organizations, however, believe this to be a false claim, though whether or not she herself is aware of this and simply using it for effect or is operating under false information is unknown.  It is most speculated that she is the daughter of Zaladane, conceived during the period when she had stolen Polaris’s magnetic abilities.


What is known is that she first appeared three years ago, conducting various acts of small-scale mutant terrorism.  She was able to evade capture and remains one of the more wanted mutant criminals in the world.  It is generally assumed Magneto finds her to be beneath his notice.


In the time since her first appearance, she has continued to consolidate her power-base and has amassed a team of followers, along with picking up pieces of cast-off technology, including a teleportation system.


Powers: Magneta possesses magnetic abilities similar to those of Magneto and Polaris.




Lady Mastermind

Real Name: Elizabeth Harris

Age: 21


History: One of innumerable illegitimate offspring of Jason Wyngarde, the newest woman to call herself Lady Mastermind discovered her powers at a young age, using them as a very successful con artist.  She was eventually found out and caught by the authorities, where upon she was freed and recruited by Magneta.


Powers: Lady Mastermind possesses the power to create telepathic illusions in a manner similar to her father and other relatives.  Hers possess a strong psychosomatic effect, but can be resisted by the strong-willed or even through the realization that what one is seeing is an illusion.





Real Name: Sasha Tyler

Age: 18


History: The youngest of the team, Frogg was an outcast almost from the moment she was born, due to her freakish appearance.  Thrown in the sewers as an infant, she was adopted and raised by a local Morlock clan of mutants.  Because of her speed and agility, she was often sent above ground to steal, often risking life and limb in the process.  Magneta discovered her while she was running from the law and snapped her up as a member of her team, promising her the opportunity to strike back at those who had oppressed him.  Of all of Magneta’s recruits, she is the least bloodthirsty and the one most likely to question what they’re doing, but will still not back down from a fight.


Powers: Frogg possesses the general appearance and abilities of a human-sized frog, capable of astounding leaps and leg strength, as well as aquatic adaptations.





Real name: Rebecca Sunderland

Age: 21


History: Rebecca, along with her sister Alexia, were the daughters of Charles Sunderland, a wealthy corporate executive and known member of the Friends of Humanity.  When both sisters manifested mutant abilities of the same day, the papers had a field day with the scandal.  Disowned and cast out, the two were easy recruits for Magneta.


Powers: Mercury possesses the ability to move, react, and think at super-human speeds.  Her body has been wholly adapted to withstand the friction and fatigue associated with such speeds.





The Red Witch

Real name: Alexia Sunderland

Age: 21


History: Alexia, along with her sister Rebecca, were the daughters of Charles Sunderland, a wealthy corporate executive and known member of the Friends of Humanity.  When both sisters manifested mutant abilities of the same day, the papers had a field day with the scandal.  Disowned and cast out, the two were easy recruits for Magneta.


Powers: The Red Witch possesses the ability to alter small pockets of reality, localized to no more than a six foot radius around her body.  These changes require her constant concentration to maintain and will fade if she or the object moves beyond this radius.  Thus far, her abilities have not been able to work on human beings.





Real Name: Daisy Dukes

Age: 22


History: Daisy is the daughter of one Fred J. Dukes, otherwise known as the mutant terrorist called the Blob.  Though Dukes gave up on his criminal actions following a lengthy imprisonment, his daughter is quite happy to carry on in his footsteps.  Boisterous, loud, and possessed of appetites both sexual and food-related, Dana is an unusually cheerful terrorist.



Powers: Daisy possesses powers similar to her father, including super-human strength and invulnerability, along with a certain amount of elasticity to the fatty tissues of her body.  If she chooses not to move, there are few forces on the planet capable of causing her to.




Real name: Tara Swift

Age: 21


History: Tara Swift had the most normal life compared to the others, discovering the teachings of Magneto and mutant supremacy during her freshman year of college in a “Mutant Politics” class and finding herself agreeing with them entirely.  A mutant herself, but lacking the direction to put these ideas into practice, a chance encounter led to her joining Magneta’s group.


Powers: Aphrodite possesses a mutantly beautiful singing voice, which can be used to entrance others or which can be focused into sonic force.

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