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Wicked Tales ([info]wicked_tales) wrote,
@ 2011-03-16 06:57:00

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Eduard de Bleu Barbe

Senor Eduard de Bleu Barbe
wife killing pirate king
sailing the seven seas

Name: Senor Bluebeard, also known as Eduard de Barbe-Bleu as well as Gilles de Rais, nicknamed Blue

Story: Bluebeard by Charles Perrault, Bluebeard wiki, Bluebeard and the Spanish Witch

Age: Somewhere in his 40's. When he was "killed" by Eight's brothers he effectively stopped aging

Gender/Preference: He's a boy. He likes girls. I imagine he trifled with boys while on ship, seeing as he wouldn't have much else company. Jokes about butt pirates notwithstanding.

Appearance: PB: Jeff Bridges as the Dude

His most notable feature is possibly his blue beard. The man himself is not even aware how that came to be. His hair is long, sandy brown, wavy and usually unkempt. His eyes are dark brown flecked with blue when his temper is raised. He is tall, with a round belly, more from lack of exercise since he's no longer on the seas than anything else, though his drinking probably doesn't help. He dresses rather sloppily and adores wearing slippers in public.

Personality: He is very polite to women, charming and disarming when his physical appearance is off-putting. Violent and uncivil when his temper is roused. When drunk he is typically on the verge of swinging out of control.

Strengths: While he's not in good shape anymore, he is still physically strong. Charming. His nautical knowledge is unsurpassed.

Weaknesses: His temper: often leads to death or dismemberment, which ever seems like the reasonable answer to the situation at the time. His predisposition to the drink: he will drink himself under the table if he's given an ample supply of booze. His jealousy: leads him to tempt his wives. He tests them and as they fail he kills them. Which is also tied to His paranoia: he believes that all women are unfaithful and dishonest, essentially out to get him. He also tells bad jokes.

Quirks: Can drink more than his weight in alcohol and not die.

Secrets: His heart was pierced by a shard of the Devil's Mirror, he's not aware of it.

Skills & Abilities: A world renowned pirate, he can lead any boat to treasure. He can tell when bad weather is brewing and navigate his way around by the stars.

Supernatural abilities: Uncertain at present.

History: Born Gilles de Rais, Bluebeard had a very normal childhood for a boy in France with noble parents. A journey on a ship started his fascination with the sea and against his parent's wishes he ran off into piracy in teen years.

He started out as a humble pirate, taking the name Eduard de Barbe-Bleu (he liked the name Edward, and Barbe-Bleu just seemed fitting with his queerly blue beard). He worked his way onto a ship, worked his way up the ranks (mostly by his ability to survive and his quick grasp of nautical learning) until he earned his own ship. On a journey to South America he captured a ship and the lovely Senorita Mercedes. He kept her in his parent's château (they had since died) and married her before he left again on another journey, never having consummated the marriage. He left her the keys to every room, including the now infamous hall closet. While in the château all by herself, she explored all of these rooms discovering many treasures that he had claimed in his many journeys as a pirate. Lastly she explored the hall closet. It was here that she found a chest filled with love letters from the local girls. Though Bluebeard had many dalliances his intentions for his new wife were true. She did not know this; incensed she invited the townspeople into the château to plunder his many treasures. She thought it a fair revenge if he was going to cheat on her. Mercedes' plan however was foiled when the local girls who loved Bluebeard so turned on her, accusing her of being a witch. The vicious women tore at her clothes and skin, ripping fabric and flesh, making her bleed. The proud Mercedes would not cry out and therefore only confirmed to them that she was indeed a witch. Mercedes was held without trial and hung by the neck.

Bluebeard returned home from his travels to find his first wife dead, hanged by the neck on the border of his property. He took her down and wept over her body. He had truly loved her in those few moments that they had known each other. He did not understand the ire of the townspeople until he had entered the house. When he found the hall closet and the open chest of letters he knew. He hung Mercedes body in the closet and locked the door. He locked every door in the house when he realized what the townspeople had done.

His mourning commenced with drinking and the drinking didn't stop for many years. He went back to sea and traveled often, only stopping to return to the château when he needed a rest from the ocean.

During his travels he witnessed a peculiar meteor shower, a strange celestial event that was not called for. He did not know that these "meteors" were actually pieces of the Devil's Mirror which had been smashed once again. One of the shards traveling fast and falling towards him had pierced his heart before he knew what had happened. He figured it was terrible heartburn from all the drinking.

It was then that he came up with his great plan. His mind had been turning over the death of his wife at the hands of the villagers. Now his heart, poisoned by the shard was aligned with his dark thinking. His revenge on the village people would start with their daughters. He had many years to fume over it and the corpse of his first wife. He decided that he would marry them, taking their dowry (essentially his own treasures) and their lives if they did not pass his test. Should they open the hall closet, the only room he forbade to find the corpse of his first bride that they would join her in death (and the hall closet).

Seven wives later, seven bodies piled into the closet. He sought out the hand of another village daughter to become his eighth wife. She followed the path of every single one of his prior wives after an entire year in decent matrimony. His discovery of this was disappointing and angering, as it had been with many of his women. He had hoped one of them would prove him wrong, but simple curiosity seemed to best all of them.

He was about to kill her when her brothers arrived and cut short his plans. They killed him, tossed him into the river and assumed him dead. Indeed, he was, but magic and the strength of his faerie tale kept him from dying completely. He awoke, washed up on the shores of the Sleepless Sea.

He did not remember hid death, or what had passed shortly before, the blows to his head had erased his memory.

He quickly established himself in Haven as a skillful navigator and pirate; before long he had his own ship to sail on the Sleepless Sea.

Anything else we should know: His plot concerns the Snow Queen and the Devil's Mirror.

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