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Wicked Tales ([info]wicked_tales) wrote,
@ 2011-03-16 06:57:00

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once a faerie godmother
now only a mortal witch

Name: Carabosse, sometimes called Maleficent, nicknamed Cara, or Boss (as Puss likes to call her)

Story: Sleeping Beauty; (Carabosse wiki)

Age: She is immortal, though she appears to be in her mid to late 30's

Gender/Preference: Female. She is often too busy being wicked to bother much with sex.

Appearance: PB: Anjelica Huston

Tall with delicious curves. Her skin is deathly pale, her eyes darkly set. Her hair is long and black, usually left down, sometimes styled into a twist or dyed with some funky color in streaks (usually when she's attempting to be hip and modern). She likes hats but rarely finds proper occasions to wear them, or the clothing to wear them with. She is most often in black or dark, bloody reds. Unlike her Disney image she likes her clothes skin tight, low cut, and luxurious. She almost always wears tall, black boots that lace up to her knee. Under her boots are rainbow striped socks, a deep, dark secret that Carabosse keeps only for herself. Her makeup is expertly done when she is not wearing a clean face, typically smoky eyes and bloody lips.

Personality: She has a deep sense of humor, though few people seem able to key into it. When her mind is set on something she will follow it through to the bitter end.

When befriended Cara will do everything in her power to aid you. When crossed Cara is your worst enemy. Unfortunately for most Cara is easily crossed and difficult to befriend. She is very, very picky about her companions.

As a faerie godmother she is both a blessing and a curse. Her kindness is immeasurable, yet her cruelty is world renowned. Few of her godchildren survive her "gifts," but those that do seem to flower into the very image of success (even those who survive in adversity).

Strengths: Powerful magic which she uses commandingly. She is savvy and shrewd, careful with whom she associates. She is able to keep many strands of thought in her head at once.

Weaknesses: She does not care for sunlight as it hurts her eyes. She is shackled with something she calls "the Disney Curse" or "Disney Blight," though she certainly got the shallowest of curses amongst her brethren. Her temper is foul and easily ignited. Closed off and secretive, she is hard to truly know. Even those in her inner circle are kept at arm's length.

Quirks: - Gardens to center herself and gain focus.
- Isn't particularly motherly

Secrets: She may have a daughter.

Skills & Abilities: She is a snazzy dresser. She gardens, mostly night blooming flowers as those are the only kind she can be bothered to tend. She's also something of an architect hobbyist. She designed several of the castles she dwelt in, though others built them. Her designs are always focused on drawing magic up and into her sanctuary.

Supernatural abilities: Well versed in dark magics she can conjure any curse from memory or imagination.

History: Carabosse started out like many of her fellow fae, nameless and infinitely curious. She strayed to the darkness, like many of her unseelie ilk, yet she bathed in it completely. Cara was breathlessly fearless.

One day she simply decided that the darkness, though curious and invigorating, was not the end all be all of her existence. What a wonderful thing to be a faerie godmother, she thought and without much more thought than that she just jumped into the career with serious zeal. Even she could not explain why she decided to get into the business of faerie god-mothering. It was just something to do.

Many of her early god children did well, though often turned dark like their patron. In the middle section of her career more of them met horrible endings as they turned on her, or their families insulted her enough that she would curse them. She had dealt in many such curses before Sleeping Beauty, but it is perhaps her best known work since it was the first where one of her cousins thought to curb her appetite for destruction.

The real story follows the original tale. She considers what Disney did to her memory an insult and a curse, though truthfully it did not diminish her powers (as some of her brethren have suffered at the hands of Walt and his cartoonist fiends). After the prince "slayed" her she slunk off into the woods and took time to heal and rebuild her reputation; she was fey after all and not easily killed by mortal weapons.

After the real story took place she laid low for a time. Parents would cross themselves and lock their windows and doors when a new child was about to be born. No one wanted a curse in place of a gift and so few of them knew the proper formalities, the ways in which they could pay respect to Carabosse without inflicting social injury. She took the hint and didn't waste her time on mortal godchildren. She looked for other ways to occupy her time.

Mostly she wandered the world as it changed from medieval to modern. Society sprang up alongside of technology in surprising new ways. She still preferred the arcane to things like machinery, but she was never one to shy away from it either. She took an interest in seeing how things worked bringing them back to her castle, still residing in the faerie tale lands. There she would take all manner of things apart and put them back together as they were or in combination with other things.

She also spent a great deal of time mastering enchanted sleeps. Merryweather was not the only faerie who could think to undue her in such a way. She wanted to understand the magic that they used and before long she had a mastery of all things sleep related.

After Disney redid her story she decided to dive back into the darkness (almost as if in answer to the question of her character which she feels the Disneyfied version of her tale dredged up). The darkness still held many questions for her, a deep fascination that she had not forgotten only forgone. She was so involved in the magic and the chaos that she did not notice when the faerie tales started to disappear. Only when she ran into an old friend, Puss de Carabas did she learn of Haven.

Carabosse, being a practical faerie sent Puss ahead to explore the region before she would enter it herself. Upon his word (which took longer to send because he has difficulty writing with paws) she arrived and set herself up in a penthouse apartment (though she'd much prefer a castle of her own).

Anything else we should know:

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