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AU: Missionary to the Damned [10 Dec 2012|04:08am]
Hell was all wrong. Ruth had been raised to respect everyone else's search for truth and interpretation of the divine, but this was a blasphemy she couldn't stand. All these countless souls weren't searching for truth. They'd given up. It was the only explanation, because God didn't do this to people. Not to anybody. If there was one fact at the core of Ruth's being, it was that anyone could be helped, any soul could be saved. No one, no one is damned for all time. So if all these people were staying in Hell indefinitely, it was because Hell was being done all wrong.

And that's why she refused to leave. She ignored the heat, the cold, every other extremity these masochists and their incompetent demon caseworkers could come up with for the place. The loneliness was harder to ignore, but she ignored it the best she could. This was important.

And one after another, she'd shove her canteen to another set of lips, sometimes for the first taste of ephemeral water they'd experienced in centuries, and explain, "Now we're going to talk. We're going to talk about who you are, what you did, why it was wrong." She'd talk until she knew them. If she knew them, she could love them. If she could love them, she couldn't let them get away with this nonsense. "We're going to talk until you come to terms with it." And then maybe they'd get out of here, to get reincarnated or go to Heaven or some other form of quiet rest, whatever it was, as long as it wasn't an affront to everything Ruth had ever wanted to dedicate herself to. She'd keep making her rounds, one after the other, until this happened like it was supposed to.

How could she not?
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[03 Feb 2012|12:05am]
Ruth stood outside of Jay's door. He'd be done with the weight room right now. He didn't have a test this week. They should be able to have the whole evening to talk. And after the day Ruth had had the day before, and her inability to see Jay last night...

"We need to talk," she told him as soon as he arrived.
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Meme Scene, AU Future. [22 Jan 2012|04:51pm]
A day didn't go by that Ruth didn't think of that horrible time that cost her Jay, that cost Ty Cait. She didn't just miss them every day, she also thanked God every day that she'd been able to get Ty through it relatively safely. In the end, they'd become so psychically wrapped up in each other that their marriage aws almost inevitable.

After a silent prayer, she shook off the memories and went to check on Ty in his lab.
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Serious Business. Also Food. [20 Sep 2011|03:03am]
Ruth and Jay had agreed to meet at Top Dog in Berkeley at 4:30.

Ruth entered at 4:25 in her favorite denim skirt and a blue blouse, sat down, and set her books aside primly.

She made herself not look at her watch again.
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Extremely AU [16 Aug 2011|04:55pm]
Six months. It had been six months since Jay was killed. Their birthday had come and gone, and for once, she didn't have the heart to celebrate it.
Ruth kept up in school. Mourning Dove still did good... a little. She had to keep at it. Ty needed all the help he could get staying together, and moreover... she had to keep at it. If she gave up, it would feel like letting Jay down.

Ruth set down her book.
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[17 Mar 2010|02:40am]
Ruth was not going to watch the clock. She wasn't. It was rude, for one thing. He wasn't even late yet, and so what if he was, a little?   They'd agreed he'd pick her up around six to go for burgers, and somewhere around six it would be. 

Ruth realized her youngest sister Clara was smirking at her.

"Jay's a hottie," Clara said.
Ruth rolled her eyes. "Further expose at 10," she muttered good-naturedly, administering the proper consequences of such remarks, tousled hair.
And immediately afterward, found herself brushing Clara's hair out of her eyes again.
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