A Matter of Duty
Sengai Senyaka showed no disconfort as his plane landed. He was his father's son after all. He'd never left his home in Sri Lanka, but his father deemed it necessary.
"there's nothing more I can teach you. You must go to those better equipped to empower you than I. My old lord can help you. You will be the means of healing an old wound and doing me proud."
Sengai knew he was not only helping himself, but doing his father a service as well. He would fulfill his duty, but did not mean he'd have to be cheery about it. He ignored the looks of intimidation and awe he received. His sash and glowing eyes made him stand out, even among mutants. He was continuing his father's legacy, he wore it proudly, and felt no need to make others more comfortable. The other passengers cleared the way for the intimidating young man as he deembarked,
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