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Marc Spector

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Year One App [23 Jul 2013|09:20pm]
Character Name: Marc Spector: Moon Knight
Player: Matt
Journal: white_knight

Abilities: Master Martial Artist- Marc has been trained by the US Marine Corps and the CIA. He has also undergone additional training during his years as a mercenary. He is also a former Heavy Weight Boxing champion.

Weapons Master- Marc is adept with nearly every weapon in existence.

Expert Marksman- Marc is a trained Marine sharpshooter and CIA sniper. However he currently he mostly uses this skill to throw crescent darts his signature weapon as Moon Knight.

Expert Pilot- Marc has become a skilled pilot from his years as a merc and training from Frenchie.

Psychic Resistance- Due to his own mental instability and Khonshu's influence on his mind Marc has strong natural resistance to psychic powers.

Powers: Lunar Might- Marc's strength, speed, and durability wax and wane with moon. He is at full strength under a full moon and under a new moon or lunar eclipse he is powerless. At his strongest Marc can lift up to two tons.

Character history up until the start of the game: Marc grew up a poor Jewish boy in Chicago. Marc always had a knack for violence which would get him into a lot of trouble in school. He strongly held the old testament belief of an eye for an eye which it the source of his many clashes with his father who believed that violence should never be an option.

These clashes with his father and problems at school eventually lead to Marc dropping out of school and joining the marines. He excelled greatly at this and was very good at his job. But he ended up being dishonorable discharge for savagely being a superior officer after a mission gone bad.

It was then that he got picked up by the CIA to be an operative of theirs. After sometime he brought his brother Randall in to the CIA to do some work for them and at the same time. However his brother went renegade and when Marc tried to turn Randall in he killed Marc partner whom he was in a serious relationship at the time in front of him with a hatchet. Marc hunted Randall down for three days straight through the Italian countryside where he was forced to kill him.

After this incident disillusioned with his work he quite and began work as a mercenary. He regularly worked with two other men, Raoul Bushman and Jean-Paul "Frenchie" Duchamp. They quickly became some of the leading mercs in the world with a very impressive record.

However Bushman's love for violence and money began to get to Marc and Frenchie who privately talked about quitting the business. While on a mission in Sudan they heard about a profitable archaeological dig that Bushman insisted on visiting. When the archeologist refused to tell him where the site was and Bushman killed him and then attack the Archaeologist daughter Marlene, Marc decided that he had finally had enough. Marc attacked Bushman telling for Marlene to run and bought her time to escape.

After a length fight Bushman ended up gaining an advantage brutally beat him and leaving him for dead in the middle of a desert. Marc not giving in despite his injuries crawled away trying to find salvation of some kind and after several hours found it in the form of the ancient Egyptian temple that the archeologist had found.

Marlene found him and recognizing him from earlier dragged him inside to try and help him only for him to die in her arms in front of the alter of Khonshu. But he then came back to life claiming that Khonshu had resurrected him to be his champion. Marc then immediately used this opportunity to hunt down Bushman and drive him off after another length fight with a little aid from Frenchie this time.

Marc together with Frenchie and Marlene moved back to New York City using the considerable saving that Marc had collected where Marc set himself up as a financier and created his own company alongside several personas to aid him in the new purpose he had found in life as Moon Knight
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