OOC Information
Player name: Riley
Player age: 22
Time zone: PST
Character Information
Full name: Charlie Anne Baker
Nick names: Chuck, Baker
Hometown: Blue Springs, Alabama
Age and birthday: Sixteen (January 24th, 1995)
House and year: Shenandoah, Junior
Boggart: Losing her voice or having her vocal chords ripped out.
Riddikulus: Getting back her voice like the Little Mermaid did.
Patronus and why: Black bear. They are usually known for their docile nature. Usually they are peaceful creatures who spend most of their time hibernating and forging for food. They only bring out their aggressive nature when provoked to do so. Her father also had a fascination with them.
School Information:
Wand: Springy, Hawthorn, 14 inches, Phoenix feather core
Electives: Flying, Music, Magical Crafting, Advanced Potions I
- Quodpot [Quarterback/Captain]
- Dance
- Yearbook
- Newspaper
Strongest subject: Music
Weakest subject: Charms
Animagus form, if applicable N/A
Family and Relationships
Parents: Charles Baker Sr. [Father] (Deceased), Nancy Baker nee Smith [Mother]
Siblings: Jacob Baker [Younger brother, 10. Twin to Sarah], Sarah Baker [Younger sister, 10. Twin to Jacob].
Extended Family: Her whole extended family lives back in Blue Springs, Alabama, none of which are magical (at least that Charlie knows of).
Familiar: Corgi named Fido.
Sexuality: Fluid. Charlie doesn’t really care about gender so much. She thinks girl's are very pretty though. Plus, she’s sure that she’ll never find anyone to date that Alex would actually be nice to.
PB: Heather Morris
Physical Description: Standing at five foot ten, Charlie reminds most people of a giraffe. There’s a lot of limbs and energy going everywhere and she usually has her head up in the clouds. Charlie usually wears her blonde hair loose, letting it reach it’s full length at her shoulder blades. Of course, she always crams a hat over her hair, usually backwards or pimped to the side. She really doesn’t spend too much time on her appearance, doing a slap dash job at her makeup and making sure there is nothing in her teeth. She has blue eyes, and is usually tan from spending her summers out in the Alabama sun.
Her personal style mostly consists of what is comfortable to break dance in, meaning a lot of over sized sweatpants. She also wears a lot of lose jeans, basket ball shorts, t-shirts and big sweatshirts. The only exception to wearing what she refers to "swaggin" is when she is riding motocross or working on her car/bike. When she's working on her car she wears her father's old mechanic jump suit, refusing to wash it because it was never what her father did.
Charlie has three piercings and one tattoo. She has both of her ears pierced and gauged, and her septum pierced on her nose. The tattoo that she ha is on her right forearm, her mother signed for her to get it after her father passed away. It is two bears, the larger one leading the smaller bear by the hand.
Likes: Being a goof, joking around, Alex, winning, being the best, butter, rap/rapping, break dancing, Shakespeare, Motocross, fixing cars, her car Quinton, poetry, music of all kinds, riding horses, riding brooms, anything that gets her adrenaline pumping, messing with people, trolling, her mother and siblings, her father, her name, magic, comic books, summers in Alabama.
Dislikes: Bananas, small enclosed spaces, the rain, Hunter and Mackenzie, losing, day's she can't go out on her bike, Dani, that none of her family is magical, people who don't keep their cars in pristine condition, being sick and losing her voice, when anyone but Alex calls her mudblood, to do lists, sitting still for too long, the fact that Alex doesn't try on the quod pitch.
-Wants to be a famous rapper or hip hop dancer.
-Loves flying because it is conceptually like riding her bike.
-Can usually be found down in the student parking lot tinkering with her car if she's not with Alex.
-Her favorite rapper of the moment is Mac Miller.
-Always tries to get Alex to really laugh or smile at least once a day. She knows that there is some good underneath all of the bitch that Alex fronts with.
-Enjoys making people laugh despite her affinity to being evil.
-She's very outgoing and is able to strike up a conversation with anyone.
-Is most likely in love with Alex, but she knows it will never work out.
-Is muggle born, but doesn't say so for Alex's sake.
-Blames herself for her father's death. She feels like maybe if she hadn't gone of to Blue Ridge things could have been different. She also feels like if she had studied harder she might have been able to find a magic to bring him back to life. Even though many people have told her there's really no magic for that.
-She's most likely full on gay, but doesn't feel like labeling herself right now. She know's Alex would have a fit about it anyway.
-She sometimes feels guilty for being so evil, because she knows it's not what her father would have approved of. She doesn't stop though because Alex is her best friend and she trusts her not to lead her astray.
-Has a thing for Jenny and Ella, she think's they are adorable.
Amortentia smells like: Gasoline, hay/horses, sunshine
Strengths: Always determined to do her best, doesn't like giving up, knows a lot about fixing things, knows a lot about muggle electronics, has a talent for music, is a natural on a broomstick, potions, friendly, good at getting people to trust her, does well in school, cleaver, good at being deceptive, fairly good at getting what she wants, does her best to be a good leader on the Quod team, listens well to others.
Weaknesses: Can never say no to Alex, believes everything Alex tells her without a second thought, does poorly in charms, would do anything for her mother and twin siblings, the fact that she is secretly a mudblood, lets her emotions best her, claustrophobic, sometimes doesn't know when to stop, doesn't know how to put Alex in her place when she feels like she needs to, doubts herself deep down.
Detailed personality:
Charlie is your all american small town girl at first sight. She has that southern politeness that her mother and father raised her with. That's only when she's in front of her mother or any type of authority. When it's just her and Alex, the sweet little girl from Alabama disappears and the real Charlie comes out. She enjoys being goofy, crazy and outrageous most of the time. She can usually be heard rapping out her answers to teachers in class and break dancing in the halls to her ipod when she thinks no one is looking.
While Charlie isn't exactly a wild child, she does cause her fair share of mischief. She's naturally goofy and free spirited, she can always be counted on to make comments. They're always sarcastic and loud, usually at other people's expense. Alex has convinced her over the years of their friendship that it's actually quite fun to harass others. While Charlie sometimes still feels guilty about the things that Alex and her do, but she's learned to just ignore that feeling of guilt over time. She actually enjoys trolling people most of the time, and prides herself at people not knowing when she's being serious with them.
Her confidence helps here, she is extremely confident in herself as a person to the point of being cocky. Charlie has no problem in believing in herself or her abilities. She also has no problem with believing in her friends or her team, she knows that they're all the best and isn't afraid to let everyone know it. She isn't confident to the point of arrogance however, she knows when to be humble. Even if she is confident in herself, she still has her insecurities deep down. She usually only really doubts herself when Alex isn't around to validate her. She doubts herself especially when she is doing something she knows she shouldn't, despite what Alex tells her.
Even if Alex has convinced her of many things, she still tries to stay true to what her father told her when she was a little girl. Charlie can be very caring of people if they are important to her. She cares a lot about the Quod team, and especially cares about Alex. She can always sense if something is wrong with the other girl, and tries to comfort her the best she can. She sometimes wonders if what Alex tells her is right really is, but she trust the other girl with her life. She's very loyal to her friend, and doesn't like it when people try to convince her otherwise.
Romantically, Charlie really doesn't have much to go off of. She has had a boyfriend in the past, but it didn't last very long. There aren't many people besides Charlie that Alex cares for and Charlie finds that it's hard to date because of this. The whole boy thing really didn't work out very well for her anyway. Charlie doesn't know exactly what her sexuality is but she doesn't really care at this point. She's a little bit afraid to tell Alex how she really feels about girls, because her friend is already so uptight about the fact that Charlie is a mudblood. She does fancy girl's quite a bit however, especially Alex. She's quite confident that if she did have a significant other she would treat them excellently and with a lot of love.
Personal History
Charlie Anne Baker was born to muggle parents Charles and Nancy Baker on January 24th, 1995 in the tiny town of Blue Springs, Alabama. She was named after her father Charles, who had wanted a boy when his wife had originally gotten pregnant. The tech at the hospital had read the mammogram wrong, and so the two Baker parents thought they were naming a beautiful baby boy until Charlie was placed into Nancy's arms. At first, Nancy was against christening her firstborn daughter with a boys name. Charles however, while slightly surprised, was instantly in love with the little girl. He had no problem with naming his little girl Charlie, and even though he wasn't skilled in the department of child rearing, he enjoyed letting the baby girl play with his tools while he fixed cars.
Growing up, Charlie had a fairly normal childhood for Blue Springs, Alabama. She grew up a tom boy, running around in overalls and flannel shirt, her hair in two messy braids. She ran around with the neighborhood boys, catching frogs, snakes and any other wildlife she could get her hands on. It wasn't abnormal for her to come home with a new pet to scare her mother with. Charles always laughed however, before telling her to leave her new friend outside. Charlie always loved her father, and when she was four she begged him to teach her about cars. For the first few years of Charlie's life, everything was how it should have been. Her father started teaching her about cars when she was old enough to understand. He taught her everything he knew about them, he would even let her come to work with him at the mechanic shop he owned when she was old enough.
When she was five, her father bought her her first motocross bike. Charles had been in the professional racing circuit when he had had been younger, and had always planned on teaching his son his love for the sport. Since Charlie had exceeded any expectations that he had ever had for a child anyway, he started teaching her from a very early age. Nancy was okay with the idea, they had been a racing family long before Charlie had been born. She enjoyed the sport as much as Charles did. So Charlie learned how to ride motocross, and stared entering competitions when she turned six. Things seemed pretty normal those first six years of Charlie's life. She fell in love with cars and motorbikes just as much as her father, and Nancy even made her a little mechanics jumpsuit to match her father's.
The Baker family was in for a surprise though when a few months before Charlie's seventh birthday Nancy found out she was pregnant again. This time the mammogram tech didn't make a mistake this time, and nine months later, the Baker family expanded by two. Charlie now had two twin siblings, Jacob and Sarah. She was ecstatic to be an older sister, and couldn't wait to teach her new siblings everything she knew. Charles and Nancy however, were in a financial panic. They hadn't planned on this, and now they had to worry about taking care of three children. Charles didn't make enough as a mechanic in a small town like Blue Springs, the only really profitable job was working for the mine.
So Charles took a job as a miner to support his family, and for a while things returned to relative normalcy. Charles had less time to spend with Charlie because of his new job and the new born twins but they still spent Saturday mornings tinkering in the garage together. He would make it to her races if he could, and tried to show up to her soccer games when Charlie took up the sport at 8. In fact, life went on like this for several more years until Charlie's 11th birthday.
She was excited when she woke up, and bounded down the stairs to find her parents in the sitting room with a man she had never seen before. He told her that he was from the League of American Wizards, and that he had come to offer her the chance to go to a special school. Charlie was instantly sold at eleven, a chance to go learn magic sounded like the greatest thing in the world. Her parents however, were more skeptical, but with an offer to go visit the school they agreed to consider it. It was everything that Charlie could dream it would be and more. She even got to try riding a broom, something that she found came naturally once she got the hang of it. It was just like riding her motocross bike, except in the air.
It took a lot of convincing, Charles and Nancy were worried about their daughter's safety, but Charlie finally convinced them to let her go. The fact that the school offered her a scholarship didn't hurt either, as Charlie's parents didn't have the money to pay for it in the first place. From the moment that Charlie set foot on Blue Ridges campus, she knew it was the right thing to do. She loved learning magic, she had always felt like there was something off when she was a child, and now she felt like she finally belonged. She was also glad that she could help her family by eliminating the need for her father to pay for her room and board. He could take a few shifts off a week now and still have enough money to support their family.
For the first few years of attending Blue Ridge, Charlie couldn't believe that this was actually her life. She met so many interesting and different people, it was quite a culture shock for someone who grew up in a town where everyone knew each other. She made many new friends, but none of them quite compared to a girl named Alex Quinton. They met at the sorting ceremony and Charlie's life was just never quite the same. They became inseparable best friends, and got into more mischief than Charlie can remember at this point. Although, Alex always did find a way to keep them from getting caught. Things were pretty sweet from Charlie's perspective, they even let her bring her motobike to campus after a few years.
Nothing could quite prepare Charlie for what happened during her fifth year. It was right after winter break, only a week or so before Charlie's sixteenth birthday. She got a call from her mother telling her that there had been an accident in the mine. Charles hadn't made it out, they were still looking for his body. In the end, Charlie went home for a month to help her mother take care of the twins. She secretly never planned on coming back to Blue Ridge, but Nancy knew her better. She knew how devastated Charlie was to loose her father, they had always shared a special bond. Nancy all but threatened to disown her if she didn't get her butt back to school. It was the hardest thing Charlie has ever done, leaving her family like that. Nancy insisted though, and calls weekly to make sure Charlie isn't letting her depression over her father's death consume her.
A lot has happened in Charlie's life since she learned she was part of the wizarding world. She now captains the quodpot team for Shenandoah, and continues to keep her full ride sports scholarship. She found a best friend in Alex Quinton, and while the girl sometimes causes her to question her morals, she loves her more than she can really admit. She especially enjoys going on long rides through the woods on her motocross bike, she even attached a side bag for Fido to come along with her. The only thing that Charlie regrets about coming to Blue Ridge is her father's death, she feels like maybe she could have prevented it if she had been at home. She still spends every second she gets down in the student parking lot working on the car that her and her father built the summer before he passed away. It makes her feel closer to him when she does, she knows that he's watching over her from above.