✭'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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[17 Jan 2018|02:18pm]
Do NOT want: anyone who always complains but does nothing to make their situation better, focuses on the negative (and see everything negatively), overemotional, clingy, and hates life.

DO want: those who are cheerful, positive, don't let anything get them down, know how to make his/herself happy, don't depend on anyone else, are not relationship obsessed, and love his/herself.

Note: I do NOT respond to friend cuts. My belief is if you want to cut me, then just do it. If not, then don't, obviously. X) I don't care about such petty things such as an OMG friends cut, and I won't go out of my way to ask to be re-added. And while we're on this topic, if and when I do a friends cut, I do not make posts asking people to comment to stay. That defeats the whole purpose of cutting.

rabu rabu~♥?
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[ viewing | January 17th, 2018 ]
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