Tallie shivered as she stepped off the train onto the platform at Hogsmeade station, and she tightened her
scarf around her neck to compensate for the sudden cold. It was nice to be in the fresh air though, after being holed up on the train for hours, watching the landscape get wilder and snowier as they travelled further up north. She immediately set off in the direction Wes had told her, a grin now spreading across her face in anticipation now she was nearly at her destination, after the long journey. Though she wouldn't admit it to anyone, she'd missed him in the weeks that she'd been stuck at home, so she was excited now that he had held her up on the offer of visiting. There was a small part of her that was nervous to meet the rest of his family, but she tried not to linger on those more worrying thoughts, preferring instead to be determined to make a good impression.
A short walk later, Tallie found herself at his doorstep: the house hadn't been hard to find, and she could tell it was his right away, both of which had made it a lot easier. She dilly-dallied a moment before she knocked on the door, and ruffled her hair self-consciously as she waited for an answer. She idly wondered whether his hair had returned to normal by now, and how his family had reacted when they saw it - from what she had seen in Hogsmeade earlier that month, it would have been an amusing sight.
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