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weakerlink ([info]weakerlink) wrote,
@ 2012-12-17 19:46:00

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Baby Meme
Hit me up.

A. Name
B. Zodiac
C. Circumstances of Conception
D. PB/Psychical description
E. Five Random Facts

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2012-12-18 12:14 am UTC (link)
A. Name Ryoga Yaguy
B. Zodiac Scorpio
C. Circumstances of Conception It was actually quite the story. They didn't become offical until after Hajime had restored his family's honor and long after their first outting to see a play. They tried to keep their relationship down played as much as they could so no one is quite sure exactly what happened since asking them directly would be pretty rude.
D. PB/Psychical description Ryoga actually takes after his father in apperance. He just happens to be both taller and a little thinner but that's because of his eating habits.
E. Five Random Facts

1) He doesn't focus as much on his swordsman ship as one would expect given his parents.

2) He is very clever like his mother just in different ways.

3) He loves Western detective stories and because of this he wants to become a cop if it would be allowed.

4) He has a best friend who happens to be a girl. No they are not dating, thank you.

5) He.... fails to notice his best friend is completely in love with him. It doesn't occur to him that could happen.

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