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weakerlink ([info]weakerlink) wrote,
@ 2012-12-17 19:46:00

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Baby Meme
Hit me up.

A. Name
B. Zodiac
C. Circumstances of Conception
D. PB/Psychical description
E. Five Random Facts

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2012-12-17 11:38 pm UTC (link)
Because I /have/ to:

Thomas and Sarah

(and for crack sake)
Thomas and Corinna

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2012-12-17 11:49 pm UTC (link)
A. Name John LeCroix
B. Zodiac Tarus
C. Circumstances of Conception He was the result of an accident that happened shortly before Thomas became Batman. Thomas actually expected there to be some kind of slip up someday but not for it to result in a baby.
D. PB/Psychical description Lincoln Lewis
E. Five Random Facts

1) He is just as much trouble as they both expected.
2) He became Robin at the age of 13 even though Sarah didn't want that for him yet.
3) He is a huge flirt.
4) When he was a kid he would try to pick his Dad's wallet to try and get him to stay home. Sarah would high five him if he succeeded.
5) He actually likes dogs! No idea where that came from.

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2012-12-17 11:55 pm UTC (link)
A. Name Celena Prince
B. Zodiac Peices
C. Circumstances of Conception They were put under a magical whammy that had them way too distracted. Once they were under control they agreed to not speak of it until Corinna discovered she was carrying his child.
D. PB/Psychical description Celena favors her mother in apperance. Her skin is a touch darker reflecting her Greek background.
E. Five Random Facts

1) By some random quirk she doesn't have the exact strength of her mother.

2) She understand mechanical engineering on an intuitive level.

3) She wishes her parents were more than just good friends but has never felt unwanted.

4) Loves going 'no powers' and teaming up with her Dad.

5) Feels her background gives her a special understanding of the world.

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