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wdatimahiy ([info]wdatimahiy) wrote,
@ 2011-12-25 03:31:00

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Entry tags:dcg-formation-comptabilite.ek.la

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2015-10-29 09:39 am UTC (link)
This site is crazy :) buy cheap cyclophosphamide (http://www.dunasl.com/?p=buy-cheap-cyclophosphamide.pptx) Mr. William C. Weldon is Independent Director of JP Morgan Chase & Co. Mr. Weldon has been Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Johnson & Johnson since 2002. Effective April 26, 2012, Mr. Weldon is resigning as Chief Executive Officer; he will continue as Chairman. He served as Vice Chairman from 2001 and Worldwide Chairman, Pharmaceuticals Group from 1998 until 2001. Johnson & Johnson is engaged worldwide in the research and development, manufacture and sale of a broad range of products in the health care field. The company conducts business in virtually all countries of the world with the primary focus on products related to human health and well-being. Mr. Weldon served in a number of other senior executive positions since joining Johnson & Johnson in 1971. In 1982 he was named manager, ICOM Regional Development Center in Southeast Asia. Mr. Weldon was appointed executive vice president and managing director of Korea McNeil, Ltd., in 1984 and managing director of Ortho-Cilag Pharmaceutical, Ltd., in the U.K. in 1986. In 1989, he was named vice president of sales and marketing at Janssen Pharmaceutica in the U.S., and in 1992 he was appointed president of Ethicon Endo-Surgery. Mr. Weldon is a director of Johnson & Johnson (since 2002). Mr. Weldon graduated from Quinnipiac University in 1971. Mr. Weldon is a member of the CEO Roundtable on Cancer, a director of the US-China Business Council, a member of The Business Council, a member of the Healthcare Leadership Council, a member of the Business Roundtable, and a member of the Sullivan Commission on Diversity in the Health Professions Workforce. Mr. Weldon also serves on the Liberty Science Center Chairman’s Advisory Council and as a member of the Board of Trustees for Quinnipiac University. He previously served as Chairman of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America.

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