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Getting Really Tired of this Shit. [22 Jan 2008|12:55pm]
Jazz is too busy talking to the guy who she accused of raping her a few months back and got her BLACKLISTED from volunteering at Anime Conventions, to talk to me, who is trying his hardest to still make this rooming together working. I told her I'm willing to go up to Dallas to still live with her last night. But, now she's been flaky again. "Oh I'm too busy playing my game right now to talk about apartments and where I'd like to go to College right now".

What the fuck. I had to go to the doctors today and found out I could be bleeding to death and she's too busy playing a fucking MMO?! I think I should just give up on her being my roommate. I have four months to get my shit together and out of this house. No more second guessing here.
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